North Yorkshire Council

Corporate and Partnerships Overview and Scrutiny Committee

10 June 2024

Annual Review of Councillor Locality Budgets 2023/24



1.0          Purpose of the report


1.1.         To review the operation of Councillor Locality Budgets in the financial year 2023/24.



2.0         Background


2.1.        Locality Budgets enable Councillors to respond to local needs by recommending the allocation of small amounts of funding to support projects or activities that directly promote the social, economic or environmental wellbeing of the communities they represent.


2.2.        The Locality Budgets scheme seeks to ensure that Councillors have a clear role in the allocation of funding in their Division within the criteria and process agreed by the Executive. This role includes actively promoting the scheme within their Division so that the money is allocated to meet appropriate local needs. 


2.3.        Because the allocation of funding is an executive decision, decisions are made by the Executive Member with responsibility for Locality Budgets, taking into account the information received and the recommendation of the relevant Councillor.


2.4.        Transparency is a significant feature of the scheme:

·      Councillors are required to declare all relevant interests when making a recommendation, including membership or other connections with organisations that will benefit from or manage a Locality Budget award.

·      Awards are published on the Council website at:


3.0      Summary of Approved Recommendations in 2023/24


3.1.     A summary of the Locality Budgets scheme operated by North Yorkshire Council in 2023/24 is attached as appendix 1.


3.2.     The first date for the receipt of recommendations was 03 April 2023 and the last date was 31 January 2024. 


3.3.     782 recommendations were approved, an average of over eight recommendations per Councillor. 


3.4.     741 projects and activities were supported in total.  This is slightly less than the number of approved recommendations because the scheme allows more than one Councillor to support a project or activity.


3.5.     The funding committed in the year was £874,066 (97.12% of budget).  The average recommendation was £1,118, the lowest £300 (the minimum allowed) and the maximum was £5,000 (the maximum allowed).

3.6.        A list of all approved recommendations is attached as appendix 2 and a summary of committed funding by each Councillor is attached as appendix 3. 


3.7.        59.97% of the funding was committed to projects and activities managed by not-for-profit organisations (including charities and voluntary organisations), 23.60% to parish and town councils, 8.90% to schools and 7.16% to NYC directorates for additional services over and above mainstream budgets. A breakdown of committed funding by type of organisation is attached as appendix 4.


3.8.        The funding was committed to a very broad range of types of projects and activities, with the largest amounts for projects and activities involving; Groups for Children & Young People (11.63%), Events – including Festivals (9.93%), Community Safety (9.15%), Support for Vulnerable Adults (8.99%), Environmental Improvements - including in-bloom projects (7.81%) and Village & Community Hall Improvements (7.50%).  A breakdown of committed funding by type of project or activity is attached as appendix 5. 


4.0         Impact


4.1.        The aim of the scheme is to enable Councillors to respond to local needs by recommending the allocation of small amounts of funding to support projects or activities that directly promote the social, economic or environmental wellbeing of the communities they represent.


4.2.        Measured against this aim, the scheme has had a positive impact.  During 2023/24 the scheme supported 741 projects and activities that improved the social, economic or environmental wellbeing of local communities in North Yorkshire.


4.3.        However, the very wide variety of projects and activities supported and the need to ensure that the costs of monitoring are not disproportionate makes it impossible to meaningfully measure or directly compare the impact of individual projects and activities. 


4.4.        Councillors are provided with a copy of completed monitoring forms in respect of their recommendations so that they are aware of the impact of each project or activity and can take this into account when making future recommendations. Monitoring forms and appropriate supporting evidence are also reviewed by officers. Any concerns about potential fraud or financial irregularity are dealt with in accordance with standard Council procedures.


5.0         Equality


5.1.        An equality impact assessment was undertaken before the scheme was introduced and reviewed in 2017. No adverse impacts were anticipated, and none have any been identified since. 


5.2.        The scheme states that funding will not be approved for projects or activities that are contrary to the Council’s equality, diversity and inclusion policy. Organisations also have to agree to meet all relevant legislation before receiving funding.


6.0         Arrangements for 2024/25


6.1.        The budget allocation per Councillor for 2024/25 is £10,000.


6.2.        Councillors have been able to make recommendations from 13 May 2024 and the last date for the receipt of recommendations will be 31 January 2025. 


6.3.        The Locality Budgets scheme for 2024/25 is attached as appendix 6.



7.0             Recommendation


7.1.         That the Committee considers and comments on the operation of Councillor Locality Budgets during the 2023/24 financial year.




Rachel Joyce

Assistant Chief Executive for Localities


30 May 2024


Background Papers: None



Appendix 1 – North Yorkshire Council Locality Budgets scheme 2023/24

Appendix 2 – Approved recommendations in 2023/24

Appendix 3 – Committed funding by Councillor in 2023/24

Appendix 4 – Committed funding by type of organisation in 2023/24

Appendix 5 – Committed funding by type of project or activity in 2023/24

Appendix 6 – North Yorkshire Council Locality Budgets scheme 2024/25

Appendix 1 - North Yorkshire Council Locality Budgets scheme 2023/24


1.            Each Councillor can recommend the allocation of funding to support specific projects or activities that directly promote the social, economic or environmental wellbeing of the communities within their Division. Projects and activities must be lawful and not undermine the Council’s or a partner’s priorities or service delivery.


2.            Councillors are encouraged to consider how their recommendations can best be used to lever in additional funding, volunteers and community engagement - multiplying the overall impact.


3.            Projects and activities can include services provided by the Council provided that these are additional to normal service levels and do not create an ongoing expenditure commitment for the Council.  Councillors must discuss and agree these with the relevant service manager before submitting a recommendation form.


4.            Funding cannot be awarded in respect of:

·      projects or activities that will only benefit an individual or an individual family or a private business;

·      political parties or trade unions or employers’ associations or groups affiliated with any of these;

·      lobbying or lobbying organisations;

·      projects or activities that seek to promote a faith or belief as their main purpose;

·      projects or activities that are contrary to the Council’s equality, diversity and inclusion policy; or

·      organisations which actively or vocally oppose fundamental British values.


5.            Each Councillor has a budget allocation of £10,000 a financial year. Budget allocations cannot be moved between financial years. The minimum funding which can be recommended for a project or activity is £300 and the maximum is £5,000. Two or more Councillors can recommend funding for a single project or activity, but the maximum total funding from the overall Locality Budget scheme for any project or activity in a financial year is £5,000.


6.            Recommendations must be made by Councillors using the Flexi-Grant online form. 


7.            Councillors must declare on the recommendation form all relevant pecuniary and personal interests including membership or other connections with the organisations that will benefit from or manage the funding.


8.            If the Monitoring Officer has concerns about any recommendation, this will be raised with the relevant Councillor.


9.            All recommendations will be considered by the Executive Member for Corporate Services (or in their temporary absence, the Leader), who will make a decision taking into account the information received and the recommendation of the relevant Councillor.


10.         If the Executive Member for Corporate Services has made a recommendation or has a relevant pecuniary or personal interest in a recommendation, they will not make a decision, but will refer the matter for determination by the Leader.


11.         The Locality Budgets business support officer will notify the Councillor of the decision taken by the Executive Member.  


12.         Information about the scheme and all awards will be published on the Council’s website.  Documents associated with the scheme (e.g. recommendations and monitoring forms) are not exempt from disclosure under FOI legislation.


13.         All recommendations made by a Councillor and all decisions by the Executive Member will be made in accordance with the principles of decision making set out in the Council’s Constitution.


14.         Councillors can make recommendations from Monday 03 April 2023. No recommendations from Councillors will be accepted after Wednesday 31 January 2024. No recommendations or decisions will be made if any part of the relevant Division is covered by a pre-election period linked to elections or by-elections to the Council, parish council or parliament (i.e. the period between the day the notice of election is published and the final election results; normally six weeks).


15.         Funding will not be awarded for projects or activities that have already been completed or for expenditure that has already been incurred. 


16.         If funding is awarded for a project or activity to be undertaken or managed by an external organisation, the funding must be managed by a parish council or a voluntary or community organisation.  The Council will offer a grant to the organisation provided that the organisation has an organisational bank account and agrees to:

·      provide the Council with a statement of how the funding has been spent and how it has benefited the local community;

·      allow the Council reasonable access to all records relating to the funding for at least four years after the funding has been awarded;

·      meet all relevant legislative requirements;

·      spend the funding within 12 months of it having been awarded;

·      repay to the Council all unspent funding within 13 months of it being awarded; and

·      acknowledge receipt of a grant from the Council in all publicity relating to the project or activity and in their annual accounts and report.


17.         If an external organisation does not accept the offer of a grant within three calendar months of the offer being made, the offer will lapse and cannot be renewed without a new recommendation being made by a Councillor.


18.         All projects and activities awarded funding will be sent a monitoring form which must be completed and returned with appropriate supporting evidence (eg copies of quotes and receipts for expenditure, photographs and project reports) to the Locality Budgets business support officer at County Hall within twelve months of the funding being awarded. A copy of completed monitoring forms will be provided to the relevant Councillor by the Locality Budgets business support officer.


19.         If a satisfactorily completed monitoring form and appropriate supporting evidence are not submitted within 12 months of the funding being issued, a request will be made for all the funding to be repaid within one month.


20.         Organisations that have not returned satisfactorily completed monitoring forms and appropriate supporting evidence will not be eligible for future funding.


21.         All concerns will be dealt with in accordance with standard Council procedures relating to suspected fraud or financial irregularity.



Appendix 2 – Approved recommendations in 2023/24



Description of Grant / Name of Organisation

Cllr Chris Aldred


Fund the purchase of football posts, a portaloo, training equipment and a line marker / Harrogate Railway Junior Football Club

Cllr Chris Aldred


Fund the Dance Movement Psychotherapist and associated costs of the trial sessions of the CareFree Space Group Pilot Scheme / Dancing for Well-Being

Cllr Chris Aldred


Fund the costume hire and refreshments for the 2 productions in October 2023 / Harrogate Dramatic Society

Cllr Chris Aldred


Fund the purchase of safety clothing for the Help at Home Handymen / Help at Home with Harrogate & District Community Action (HADCA)

Cllr Chris Aldred


Fund the swimming pool hire for the community swim sessions for women / Al Haadiyah Harrogate

Cllr Chris Aldred


Purchase 15 tablets for outdoor project use / Northern Star Academies Trust at Harrogate High School

Cllr Chris Aldred


Fund one months’ warehouse rental for the project / Resurrected Bites

Cllr Chris Aldred


Provision of funding for Year 1 & Year 2 children to attend Enchantica Christmas Show / Grove Road Community Primary School

Cllr Chris Aldred


Fund the 10 Boxercise Coaching classes and refreshments for the Community Litter Picks / North Yorkshire Connected Spaces

Cllr Joy Andrews


Purchase and installation of a VAS sign for Pickering / NYC Traffic Engineering

Cllr Joy Andrews


Provide a contribution to the purchase of a new minibus / Welburn Hall Home School Association

Cllr Joy Andrews


Fund the purchase of food and toiletries / Pickering Hub of Ryedale Community Foodbank

Cllr Joy Andrews


Fund the security at the Pickering Rocks community event / Pickering CIC

Cllr Joy Andrews


Purchase and installation of a 24-hour access defibrillator at the allotments on Outgang Lane Pickering / Outgang Lane Allotment Association

Cllr Joy Andrews


Purchase of replacement of dictionaries for all years / Pickering Junior School

Cllr Joy Andrews


Purchase of phonics and reading books for children / Friends of St Joseph's School Pickering

Cllr Joy Andrews


Purchase books for the school / Pickering Infant School

Cllr Joy Andrews


Provide a contribution towards the project / Ryedale Food-Aid CIC

Cllr Joy Andrews


Purchase a community noticeboard / Pickering Town CIC

Cllr Karl Arthur


Purchase a portable PS System, stand, microphone and tripod for the group / Osgodby Heritage and History Group

Cllr Karl Arthur


Fund the equipment for the street party to celebrate the King's Coronation / Hemingbrough King's Coronation Committee

Cllr Karl Arthur


Fund the catering, brass bands and venue hire for the Big Lunch Street Party to mark the King's Coronation / St Marys Community Group Hemingbrough

Cllr Karl Arthur


Purchase a Lowther seat for the village / North Duffield Parish Council

Cllr Karl Arthur


Purchase a replacement piece of playing equipment on the playing fields / Hemingbrough Institute and Playing Fields Association

Cllr Karl Arthur


Purchase a wooden bench, planters and mosaic tiles for the Kings Coronation Commemoration project / Cliffe Parish Council

Cllr Karl Arthur


Purchase and Installation of a Vehicle Activated Sign (VAS) / Barlby and Osgodby Town Council

Cllr Karl Arthur


Fund the hall hire and activities for Skipwith Rainbows and Brownies / North Duffield Parish Council

Cllr Alyson Baker


Purchase of food, bunting and raffle prizes for the party on the village green for the King's Coronation / South Kilvington Parish Council

Cllr Alyson Baker


Purchase Coronation mugs for the children in the village for the King's Coronation celebration / Coxwold Parish Council

Cllr Alyson Baker


Fund the catering, entertainment and games for the Coronation Party / Husthwaite Village Hall Coronation Committee

Cllr Alyson Baker


Fund the resurfacing of the main hall floor in Helperby Village Hall / Helperby Village Hall CIO

Cllr Alyson Baker


Fund the purchase of a hardwood bench with inscription to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III / Myton on Swale Parish Council

Cllr Alyson Baker


Fund the purchase of a new Coronation bench / Kilburn Parish Council

Cllr Alyson Baker


Fund the re-location of the new kitchen at the village hall / Sutton under Whitestonecliffe Village Hall

Cllr Alyson Baker


Purchase of a printer and consumables for the printing of the monthly village newsletter / Raskelf Parish Council

Cllr Alyson Baker


Purchase a screen, projector and glitter ball for the village hall / Tholthorpe Village Hall Committee

Cllr Alyson Baker


Fund the printing and publication of the News and Views magazine / Thorntons and Otterington PCC

Cllr Alyson Baker


Provide a contribution to the purchase of a new minibus / Welburn Hall Home School Association

Cllr Alyson Baker


Fund the setting up of the allotments for residents in the local villages / Bagby and Balk Parish Council

Cllr Alyson Baker


Fund the repainting of the village hall railings and repair the village pavilion, wooden seating and wooden swings/slide / Thirlby Recreational Association

Cllr Alyson Baker


Fund the fireworks, insurance and food for the community Christmas event / Helperby and Brafferton Community Association

Cllr Alyson Baker


Fund the repairs and re-painting of the tennis court, repair damaged playing surface of tennis court & re paint surface and lines / Thornton le Beans with Crosby and Cotcliffe Parish Council

Cllr Alyson Baker


Purchase and installation of a new village noticeboard / Thormanby Parish Meeting

Cllr Alyson Baker


Purchase of sports equipment for the County Sports and NA Weekend Sports events / Yorkshire Federation of Young Farmers' Clubs

Cllr Alyson Baker


Upgrading of the outside sound system for Tholthorpe 10k / Tholthorpe 10K

Cllr Alyson Baker


Fund the upgrading of the zipwire at Knayton / Hillside Rural Activities Park

Cllr Philip Barrett


Fund the conductor's fees and practice room hire / Sutton's Got Brass

Cllr Philip Barrett


Fund the fees for the Sparkle and Ice activities at the winter camp / Cross Hills Rangers

Cllr Philip Barrett


Fund the contractor's materials and labour costs of resurfacing a section of a PROW in Sutton in Craven / NY Countryside Services

Cllr Philip Barrett


Provide a contribution towards the running costs of the community library / South Craven Community Library

Cllr Derek Bastiman


Fund the food and hall hire for the coronation event celebration / Cloughton Parish Council

Cllr Derek Bastiman


Purchase of plants, shrubs and tools for the Friends of Newby and Scalby - In Bloom Group / Newby and Scalby Parish Council

Cllr Derek Bastiman


Fund the new paving flags, a shed and shelving at the hub / The Wellbeing Hub

Cllr Derek Bastiman


Provide a contribution to the purchase of a new minibus / Welburn Hall Home School Association

Cllr Derek Bastiman


Purchase of modern exercise equipment for club members under 16 years / Scarborough Rugby Union Football Club

Cllr Philip Broadbank


Fund the purchase of football posts, a portaloo, training equipment and a line marker / Harrogate Railway Junior Football Club

Cllr Philip Broadbank


Fund the provision and service costs of mobile youth facility in Starbeck / Inspire Youth Yorkshire

Cllr Philip Broadbank


Purchase replacement IT equipment / Harrogate and District Community Action

Cllr Philip Broadbank


Purchase of one Profile bed for the students / Henshaws College, Starbeck

Cllr Philip Broadbank


Fund the replacement of some Christmas street lights on Starbeck High Street / Starbeck Christmas Lights Appeal

Cllr Eric Broadbent


Fund the purchase of replacement signage / Alexandra Community Sports and Leisure Centre

Cllr Eric Broadbent


Fund the Youth Services Manager and training for the Wraparound Care Service / YMCA Scarborough

Cllr Eric Broadbent


Fund the barbering and chiropody service for the new service called Home@Rainbow / The Rainbow Centre Scarborough

Cllr Barbara Brodigan


Fund the insurance, venue hire, St. John's Ambulance and registration with British Cycling for the Charity Bike Ride / Ripon Rotary Club

Cllr Barbara Brodigan


Fund the venue hire, publicity, printing, sound equipment for the 6th poetry festival in Ripon / Ripon Poetry Festival

Cllr Barbara Brodigan


Fund the purchase and installation of new Ripon boundary signs / Ripon Bid

Cllr Barbara Brodigan


Fund the venue and equipment hire for the Summer Funfest / Ripon Together

Cllr Barbara Brodigan


Fund the resources, refreshments and promotion of the evening Youth Activities at Spa Park, Ripon / Inspire Youth Yorkshire

Cllr Barbara Brodigan


Fund the publicity and promotional material for the annual heritage festival - St Wilfrid’s Procession Day / St Wilfrid’s Procession

Cllr Barbara Brodigan


Fund the flowering bulbs & hire of grass cutting equipment to cut the grass along Ripon By-Pass / Ripon Rotary Club

Cllr Barbara Brodigan


Fund the publicity and promotion of the annual event in Ripon / Ripon Theatre Festival

Cllr Barbara Brodigan


Fund the badge awards, certificates, t-shirts and vouchers for the “Ripon Power of 10” young people’s volunteering scheme / HADCA

Cllr Barbara Brodigan


Purchase an Outside Basket swing chair for all the young children / Mowbray School

Cllr Barbara Brodigan


Purchase a video security camera to promote safety of club members and security of the bowling green / Ripon Spa Bowling Club

Cllr Barbara Brodigan


Fund the venue hire, refreshments, insurance, registration & promoting of the Rotary Charity Bike Ride / Ripon Rotary Club

Cllr Barbara Brodigan


Fund the repair and maintenance of the all-weather sports pitch surface / Ripon Grammar School

Cllr Barbara Brodigan


Fund the staffing, refreshments and craft materials for the Teen Talk weekly drop-in session at Ripon Library / Ripon YMCA

Cllr Andrew Brown


Fund the catering and equipment for the coronation events in Kildwick / Kildwick Parish Council

Cllr Andrew Brown


Purchase a new soil roller and folding due brush / Cononley Bowling Club

Cllr Andrew Brown


Fund the hiring of equipment and tents for the Cononley Gala / Friends of Cononley School

Cllr Andrew Brown


Fund the improvements to the facilities at the club / Cowling Football Club

Cllr Andrew Brown


Fund the lighting improvements in Kildwick village / Kildwick Parish Council

Cllr Andrew Brown


Fund the purchase of thermal imaging equipment / Cononley Village Institute

Cllr Andrew Brown


Fund the purchase and installation of a defibrillator / Cowling Parish Council

Cllr Andrew Brown


Fund the improvements to the village hall car park / Bradley in Bloom

Cllr Andrew Brown


Fund the improved signage to walks on the Leeds Liverpool canal starting in Farnhill Parish / Farnhill Parish Council

Cllr Andrew Brown


Fund the improvements to the shelter at the recreation park in Lothersdale / Lothersdale Parish Council

Cllr Andrew Brown


Purchase a new mower for the cricket club / Bradley Cricket Club

Cllr Andrew Brown


Improve the safety signage outside Cowling Primary School / Cowling School Parent Teachers Association

Cllr Andrew Brown


Fund the improvements to the facilities at the club / Cowling Football Club

Cllr Nick Brown


Fund the installation of a new heating system / Friends of Christ the Consoler

Cllr Nick Brown


Purchase a Christmas tree / Bishop Monkton Parish Council

Cllr Nick Brown


Fund the purchase and installation of a second defibrillator for the village / Baldersby Parish Council

Cllr Nick Brown


Fund the purchase and installation of a new parish noticeboard / Kirbyhill & District Parish Council

Cllr Nick Brown


Fund the purchase and installation of a new village noticeboard / Marton Le Moor Parish Council

Cllr Nick Brown


Purchase a new solar panel for the speed sign / Melmerby Parish Council

Cllr Nick Brown


Fund the renovation of benches in the village / Rainton with Newby Parish Council

Cllr Nick Brown


Purchase of equipment for the Youth Engagement Programme – YEP! / Skelton Cum Newby Parish Council

Cllr Nick Brown


Purchase and installation of a new bench on Leeming Lane / Langthorpe Parish Council

Cllr Nick Brown


Purchase and installation of new recycled seating / Roecliffe and Westwick Parish Council

Cllr Nick Brown


Purchase 2 x planters for Hutton Conyers village / Hewick and Hutton Parish Council

Cllr Nick Brown


Purchase a 'Thank You for driving carefully' sign for the village / Sharow Parish Council

Cllr Nick Brown


Fund the vegetation clearance from the island in the large pond / North Stainley with Sleningford Parish Council

Cllr Nick Brown


Purchase new blinds for the windows at the Sports Pavilion / Dishforth Parish Council

Cllr Nick Brown


Purchase of plants for the wild area at the new community park / Asenby Parish Council

Cllr Nick Brown


Purchase of replacement signs for the village / Cundall and Norton Le Clay Parish Council

Cllr Nick Brown


Fund the restoration and associated works of the Grade I listed organ / Friends of Christ the Consoler

Cllr Lindsay Burr


Fund the hire of the hall, food and drink at the annual Malton OAP Party / Malton, Norton & District Lions

Cllr Lindsay Burr


Fund the hire, food, drink and insurance for the events / Malton Museum

Cllr Lindsay Burr


Fund the costume purchase and hire for the 75th pantomime production / Malton & Norton Musical Theatre

Cllr Lindsay Burr


Purchase of street furniture and planting for the Malton in Bloom sensory garden project / Malton Town Council

Cllr Lindsay Burr


Purchase of plants, compost and chippings for the garden renovation project outside Morrisons, Castlegate, Malton / Malton Town Council

Cllr Lindsay Burr


Purchase and installation of play equipment to enhance the current Rainbow Lane play area / Malton Town Council

Cllr Lindsay Burr


Fund the purchase of decorating materials for the refurbishing of the band room / White Star Band

Cllr John Cattanach


Funding to support the No 42 Bus Service / NYC - Integrated Passenger Transport

Cllr John Cattanach


Fund a piece of equipment for the playground / PlayStillingfleet

Cllr John Cattanach


Fund the skip hire and purchase of materials and equipment for the pre-school garden project / Smart Start Wistow Community Pre-School

Cllr John Cattanach


Purchase a replacement bench for the village green / Kelfield Parish Council

Cllr John Cattanach


Providing extra bus services on a Saturday over the period specified / NYC - Integrated Passenger Transport

Cllr John Cattanach


Fund the purchase of wildflowers, bushes, water butt & fencing for the new memorial garden / Queen Elizabeth 2nd Memorial Garden Charity

Cllr John Cattanach


Replace the practice Astroturf and practice wickets at the club / Cawood Cricket Club

Cllr John Cattanach


Fund the materials for the village playing fields car park development / Thorganby Village Hall Committee

Cllr John Cattanach


Purchase and install a new seesaw for the playground / Wistow Parish Council

Cllr David Chance


Fund the cost of staging the events of the Staithes Weekender / St Peter's Centre

Cllr David Chance


Fund the building and public liability insurance for the community facility to open / The Proprietors and Friends of St Ninians

Cllr David Chance


Fund the purchase of a new laptop for the parish clerk / Mickleby Group Parish Council

Cllr David Chance


Fund stage one of the refurbishment / Newholm cum Dunsley Village Hall

Cllr David Chance


Fund the purchase of 80 Christmas party bags for the elderly residents in Hinderwell, Runswick Bay and Staithes / St Hilda's Old School, Hinderwell

Cllr David Chance


Fund the minibus hire costs / Revival North Yorkshire

Cllr David Chance


Fund the architectural drawing and study for the community and sports improvements / Lealholm Community and Sports Association

Cllr David Chance


Fund the purchase of 80 Christmas party bags for the elderly residents in Hinderwell, Runswick Bay and Staithes / St Hilda's Old School, Hinderwell

Cllr David Chance


Contribute to the reopening film programme 2024 following the stage one refurbishment to the Village Hall / Newholm-cum-Dunsley Village Hall

Cllr Liz Colling


Purchase of food and refreshments for the Afternoon tea, decorations and souvenirs to mark the King's Coronation / Edgehill Community Association

Cllr Liz Colling


Fund the seed bank at the local library and gardening equipment / GROW

Cllr Liz Colling


Fund the purchase of two new tents and a calor oven / 2nd Scarborough Earl of Londesborough’s own Scout Group

Cllr Liz Colling


Fund the equipment hire for the end of summer event / POMOC (run by Citizens Advice North Yorks)

Cllr Liz Colling


Fund the speed assessment on Stepney Drive / NYC Highways

Cllr Liz Colling


Fund the purchase of white goods / IDAS

Cllr Liz Colling


Fund the refurbishment of the lounge area at the centre / The Rainbow Centre

Cllr Liz Colling


Fund the Sea safe swim safety classes on Scarborough North Bay / Andrew McGeown Legacy Trust

Cllr Liz Colling


Fund the inclusive 'Glow Saturday' activity in a sports hall in the dark with UV lights and lots of sensory and sporting activities for children of all abilities / Closer Communities

Cllr Liz Colling


Fund the room hire for the Friday toddler group at the Oasis Family Centre / Senses in Scarborough

Cllr Liz Colling


Purchase of materials to clean the path and tunnel under the railway line, Whitelaw Walk / Weaponess Valley Community Group

Cllr Liz Colling


Fund the installation of dash cameras in the vehicles used by dial-a-ride / Scarborough Dial-a-ride

Cllr Liz Colling


Fund the public liability insurance for the volunteer group / Scarborough Conservation Volunteers

Cllr Mark Crane


Purchase of toys and educational boards for the nursery / Brayton Bumble Bees

Cllr Mark Crane


Fund the creation of the garden for the village with Groundwork Yorkshire / Barlow Community Wildlife Garden

Cllr Mark Crane


Provide support and training for the group / Home Start Support

Cllr Sam Cross


Fund the training of 3 junior coaches and DBS checks / Filey Holts Junior Football Team

Cllr Sam Cross


Fund the fireworks and insurance for the Fishtivetree Event / Fileyfishtive Tree

Cllr Sam Cross


Fund the construction of a footpath and edging around the Model Train at the Station / Filey in Bloom

Cllr Sam Cross


Fund the insurance, toilet hire, fencing and music for the community bonfire and firework display / Filey Lions

Cllr Sam Cross


Provide the new kit and equipment for the club / Active Filey

Cllr Sam Cross


Purchase a new side screen for the club / Filey Sports & Cricket Club

Cllr Sam Cross


Fund the food supplies for the foodbank in Filey / Filey Community Fridge

Cllr Sam Cross


Fund the railings, insurance, administration and lighting for the Track Rod Rally event / Track Rod Rally Yorkshire

Cllr Sam Cross


Fund the room hire, refreshments and insurance costs of the children's workshop and theatre project in Filey / Gate Crasher CIC

Cllr Felicity Cunliffe-Lister


Fund the electrical connection for the installation of the Masham defibrillator / Heart of Masham

Cllr Felicity Cunliffe-Lister


Fund the purchase and refurbishment of the village pub in Grewelthorpe / Friends of the Crown

Cllr Felicity Cunliffe-Lister


Fund a contribution to the freehold purchase costs / Masham Community Office

Cllr Felicity Cunliffe-Lister


Fund the Circus skills entertainer, children's disco and modern dance performers for the festival / Highside Playing Field Association

Cllr Felicity Cunliffe-Lister


Purchase a new spreader for the bowling club / Masham Bowling Club

Cllr Felicity Cunliffe-Lister


Purchase a printer / Grewelthorpe Parish Council

Cllr Felicity Cunliffe-Lister


Fund the wellbeing practitioners to deliver 12 activity sessions / Masham Wellbeing Group

Cllr Felicity Cunliffe-Lister


Fund the purchase and installation of an awning to protect the foodshare table / Masham Foodshare

Cllr Felicity Cunliffe-Lister


Purchase a new pitch mower / Masham Cricket Club

Cllr Felicity Cunliffe-Lister


Fund the purchase of replacement tables for activities, learning and development / Kirkby Malzeard Pre-School

Cllr Felicity Cunliffe-Lister


Fund the hiring of heaters for the Town Hall / Masham Town Hall

Cllr Gareth Dadd


Creating the disabled access by installing dropped kerbs onto the Little Green / NYC Highways

Cllr Gareth Dadd


Fund the purchase and installation of a shelter in the coach park, Millgate Thirsk / NYC – Facilities Management / Highways

Cllr Gareth Dadd


Fund the disabled wheelchair access for the new shelter in the coach park, Millgate Thirsk / NYC – Facilities Management / Highways

Cllr Gareth Dadd


Fund the IT system upgrade / Thirsk Tourist Information

Cllr Melanie Davis


Fund the supply, fitting and training for Paxton Access Control System / Selby Community Trust

Cllr Melanie Davis


Fund the groundworks to create a wellbeing and mindfulness outside area / Selby Community Primary School

Cllr Caroline Dickinson


Fund the development of the programme for the children's activities at the food festival / Homegrown Food Group

Cllr Caroline Dickinson


Fund the minibus hire and food for the social events in the summer / Refugee Families Support Group

Cllr Caroline Dickinson


Fund the upgrading of the access and fire doors in the school nursery to meet health and safety requirements / Applegarth Primary School

Cllr Caroline Dickinson


Fund the purchase of a new Starting Block and Racing Lanes for the club / Northallerton Amateur Swimming Club

Cllr Caroline Dickinson


Fund the Finger post and Garthway Arcade Sign / Northallerton BID

Cllr Caroline Dickinson


Purchase of games and equipment for Northallerton Youth Space / North Yorkshire Youth

Cllr Caroline Dickinson


Purchase a CCTV camera for the sports village / NYC – Safer Community

Cllr Caroline Dickinson


Fund the creation of storage & refurbish the toilet facilities at Church House / CRUTCH

Cllr Michelle Donohue-Moncrieff


Fund the replacement of play equipment on the playing fields in Sherburn / Sherburn Playing Fields Association

Cllr Michelle Donohue-Moncrieff


Fund the show materials for the annual Ganton Village Show / Ganton and District Horticultural Association

Cllr Michelle Donohue-Moncrieff


Fund the beacon for D-Day 80th Anniversary event / Staxton and Willerby Parish Council

Cllr Michelle Donohue-Moncrieff


Fund the planting and maintenance projects throughout the village / Muston in Bloom

Cllr Michelle Donohue-Moncrieff


Fund the purchase of replacement equipment and activities / Hunmanby Juniors

Cllr Michelle Donohue-Moncrieff


Fund the improvements to the outdoor learning/play area for the pupils / Hertford Vale Primary School

Cllr Michelle Donohue-Moncrieff


Fund the improvement of security measures around the Bowling Green Lane Park area / Hunmanby Parish Council

Cllr Steph Duckett


Fund the purchase and installation of a VAS for Barlby / Barlby and Osgodby Town Council

Cllr Steph Duckett


Fund the power supply to tree and Christmas lights for the carol service / Barlby High School

Cllr Steph Duckett


Fund the purchase of 4 replacement defibrillator cabinets / Barlby De-Fib Group

Cllr Steph Duckett


Fund the new kits and waterproof jackets for the players / Barlby Raiders under 8's

Cllr Steph Duckett


Fund the installation of 2 sets of dropped kerbs / NYC Highways

Cllr Keane Duncan


Fund the door access system in the reception area at Norton College / Ryedale Learning Trust

Cllr Bridget Fortune


Purchase new signs to improve village enhancement / East Harlsey Parish Council

Cllr Bridget Fortune


Purchase and installation of an outdoor table tennis table / Faceby Village Hall

Cllr Bridget Fortune


Purchase a projector for the village hall / Newby Parish Council

Cllr Bridget Fortune


To fund the children's activities at the Coronation event / Rudby Parish Council

Cllr Bridget Fortune


Fund the purchase and installation of a new fire door in the village hall / Carlton Parish Council

Cllr Bridget Fortune


Fund the creation of new public toilets and additional village hall storage / Osmotherley Area Parish Council

Cllr Bridget Fortune


Carry out works to improve the existing steps and footpaths / Rudby Parish Council

Cllr Bridget Fortune


Fund the floor coverings and soft furnishings for the new disabled unit / North Yorkshire County Scout Council

Cllr Bridget Fortune


Fund the replacement of safety rubber chippings around play equipment at the children's play area / Ingelby Arncliffe Parish Council

Cllr David Hugill


Fund the installation of a defibrillator on Faceby Road / Carlton in Cleveland Parish Council

Cllr Kevin Foster


Fund the entertainment for the family event / Party in the Park

Cllr Kevin Foster


Fund the food and entertainment for a street party to celebrate the King's Coronation / Walnut Avenue Community Street Party

Cllr Kevin Foster


Fund the building of the new Club House for Catterick Garrison centre / Catterick Garrison Football Centre

Cllr Kevin Foster


Fund the purchase of a replacement noticeboard / St Martin's Parish Council

Cllr Kevin Foster


Fund the travel, hotel, food and theatre tickets for the residential trip to London / Colburn Community Primary School

Cllr Kevin Foster


Fund the coach hire for the visit to Bradford / Gurkha Veterans Cultural

Cllr Kevin Foster


Fund the building of a reading shed with Environmental and Diversity books for the pupils / Carnagill Primary School

Cllr Kevin Foster


Fund the pitch hire / Colburn United Football Club

Cllr Kevin Foster


Fund the marque hire for the Fiji Independence Day celebration / Fiji Independence Day Celebration Committee

Cllr Kevin Foster


Fund the music specialist for the current academic year / Service Children's Community Choir CIC

Cllr Kevin Foster


Fund the timber frame building as part of The Big Green Build / Just the Job

Cllr Kevin Foster


Fund the purchase of meat for the Christmas Hampers / Colburn Hub and Cafe CIC

Cllr Kevin Foster


Fund the hall hire and food for the children's Christmas party / Hipswell Village Hall

Cllr Kevin Foster


Fund the catering and table decorations for the Christmas dinner for the Dementia group / The Bridge

Cllr Kevin Foster


Fund the cost of items for the food share scheme / Colburn Food Share

Cllr Richard Foster


Fund the venue cost and entertainment for the event / Pride in the Dales

Cllr Richard Foster


Fund the refurbishment of the library including lighting, flooring and shelving / Grassington Primary School

Cllr Richard Foster


Fund the upgrading of the village lighting to timers and LED / Draughton Parish Council

Cllr Richard Foster


Fund the entertainment and Spitfire at the1940s weekend / Grassington 1940s

Cllr Richard Foster


Fund the Wharfedale Dales bus on a weekend from Ilkley to Grassington / Dales and Bowland Community Interest Company

Cllr Richard Foster


Purchase a mower to maintain the duck pond area / Rylstone Parish Meeting

Cllr Richard Foster


Purchase of new equipment for the toddler group / Grassington Toddlers

Cllr Richard Foster


Fund the painting of the phone box which houses the village defibrillator / Halton East Parish Meeting

Cllr Richard Foster


Fund the new website design and construction / Upper Wharfedale Concert Club

Cllr Richard Foster


Purchase a table tennis table, room hire and training for the community activities / Grassington Devonshire Institute

Cllr Sam Gibbs


Fund the purchase of phonics books / Western Primary School

Cllr Sam Gibbs


Provide a contribution towards the launch of Help out Harrogate / Harrogate and District Community Action (HADCA)

Cllr Sam Gibbs


Fund the refurbishment of the shower facilities in the Springboard Day Centre / Harrogate Homeless Project

Cllr Sam Gibbs


Fund the creation and commission of new lighting projections and animation / Harrogate International Festivals

Cllr Sam Gibbs


Funding towards essential IT equipment /  Harrogate & District Community Action (HADCA)

Cllr Caroline Goodrick


Provide a contribution to the purchase of a new minibus / Welburn Hall Home School Association

Cllr Caroline Goodrick


Provide a contribution to pump prime the valuation, structural survey and legal costs / The White Swan Community Group

Cllr Caroline Goodrick


Purchase of hot water Bottles for our children in care/leavers / NYC - Care Leavers

Cllr Caroline Goodrick


Fund the complete rebuild of double skin drystone wall / Bulmer Parish Council

Cllr Caroline Goodrick


Fund the solicitors’ fees, land purchase outstanding sum, and trees for the new allotments / Leavening Allotments & Gardens

Cllr Caroline Goodrick


Fund the training courses for new Parish Councillors / Scrayingham & Leppington Parish Council

Cllr Caroline Goodrick


Fund the replacement of one of the village street lights / Gate & Upper Helmsley Parish Council

Cllr Caroline Goodrick


Fund the service and maintenance of the two defibrillators, one in each village / Barton Le Willows PC and Harton Parish Meeting

Cllr Caroline Goodrick


Fund the training courses for new Parish Councillors / Welburn Parish Council

Cllr Caroline Goodrick


Provide the venue hire, fabrics, wadding and threads for the quilts (hugs) for our children leaving North Yorkshire Council care / Katys Kwilts on behalf of Quilts for Care Leavers

Cllr Caroline Goodrick


Fund the replacement of one of the village street lights / Gate & Upper Helmsley Parish Council

Cllr Hannah Gostlow


Purchase of girl's protective kit for hardball cricket / Knaresborough Cricket Club

Cllr Hannah Gostlow


Fund the outdoor LED screen hire, insurance, waste disposal & First Aid at the screening of Glastonbury Festival / Knaresborough & District Chamber

Cllr Hannah Gostlow


Purchase of equipment for the community café / Centre on Gracious Street (COGS)

Cllr Hannah Gostlow


Installation and maintenance of a new kiln / Henshaws

Cllr Hannah Gostlow


Fund the room hire and refreshments for the Adult Learning Courses at the hub / Knaresborough Well-Being Hub

Cllr Hannah Gostlow


Fund the events management cost for the year / Knaresborough Connectors

Cllr Hannah Gostlow


Fund the roof repairs at the Balance Wellness Centre in Knaresborough / Yorkshire Yoga

Cllr Hannah Gostlow


Fund the purchase of consumable materials for the 12-month project – Art-Craft-Chat / Sunflower Art Studios CIC

Cllr Hannah Gostlow


Fund the restoration work of the Giraffe & Zebra paintings on the Renaissance Knaresborough's Trompe L'oeil Trail / Renaissance Knaresborough

Cllr Hannah Gostlow


Fund the signage, publicity, stacking chairs, display stands, wall mounted leaflet dispensers and audio-visual equipment for the new Heritage Information Centre in Knaresborough / Knaresborough Museum Association

Cllr Hannah Gostlow


Fund the community living room in Knaresborough Library / FOLK - Friends of Knaresborough Library

Cllr Bryn Griffiths


Purchase and installation of 25 replacement flower tubs / Stokesley Manorial Lands Trust

Cllr Bryn Griffiths


Provision of the electrical supply for the village Christmas Tree / Great & Little Broughton Parish Council

Cllr Bryn Griffiths


Purchase of replacement defibrillator battery and adult & paediatric pads / Great Broughton Village Hall

Cllr Bryn Griffiths


Fund the purchase of clothing rails, hangers and storage boxes for the pre-loved school uniform shop / Friends of Stokesley Primary School

Cllr Bryn Griffiths


Purchase and installation of a new battery and pads for the defibrillator on Stokesley Business Park / Restarting Hearts, Northallerton

Cllr Bryn Griffiths


Fund the room hire, outside catering and pudding costs for the weekly lunch club / Stokesley Community Care Association

Cllr Bryn Griffiths


Purchase 4 x portable Air-Con units, Crafts, Materials, Games, Storage Cupboard and other dementia support resource for the day care centre / Stokesley and District Community Care Association

Cllr Tim Grogan


Purchase of internal and external fencing for the new allotments / South Milford Parish Council

Cllr Tim Grogan


Fund the multi-night adventure experience in West Yorkshire in May 2024 / 4th Knottingley Brownies

Cllr Tim Grogan


Fund the materials and labours costs to repair the driveway / Fairburn Church Hall Trustees

Cllr Tim Grogan


Fund the purchase and planting of the Hillam Ring Tree / Hillam Parish Council

Cllr Tim Grogan


Installation of Trief kerbs and alterations to adjoining footpath and verge / NYC Highways

Cllr Michael Harrison


Fund a contribution towards the future maintenance of the vehicles used to provide the help at home service / Harrogate & District Community Action (HADCA)

Cllr Michael Harrison


Fund the purchase of 26 training tops for Killinghall Nomads Sportability Team / Killinghall Nomads JFC

Cllr Michael Harrison


Fund a contribution to the cost of providing a Sunday and Bank Holiday number 24 bus service / Dales and Bowland Community Interest Company

Cllr Michael Harrison


Fund the purchase and installation of a VAS for Hampsthwaite Village / Hampsthwaite Parish Council

Cllr Michael Harrison


Assist with the running costs for the family day out event / Hampsthwaite Village Society

Cllr Michael Harrison


Fund the siding out of the west side footpath of the B6161, from Crag Hill to Picking Croft Lane / NYC Highways

Cllr Michael Harrison


Fund the repairs and purchase new equipment for The Glebe playground / Killinghall Parish Council

Cllr Paul Haslam


Fund the purchase of materials for the King's Coronation celebration event / Bilton United Reformed Church

Cllr Paul Haslam


Fund the Family Funtime events in August 2023 / Bilton Area Methodist Church

Cllr Paul Haslam


Fund the heating costs for the Warm Welcome Space / Bilton Methodist Church

Cllr Paul Haslam


Fund the training, PPE and equipment to carry out river water quality surveys in the Nidd and associated Becks in Harrogate / Nidd Action Group

Cllr Paul Haslam


Fund the delivery of the Own My Life Course / New Beginnings

Cllr Paul Haslam


Fund the rent of the warehouse for 1 month / Resurrected Bites

Cllr Paul Haslam


Fund the setting up of The Day programme for young people / New Beginnings

Cllr Paul Haslam


Fund the water sampling, training, PPE and supporting equipment to test the water quality of the River Nidd / Nidd Action Group

Cllr Paul Haslam


Purchase and installation of a 2nd VAS on Hookstone Road / NYC Highways

Cllr Paul Haslam


Fund the rent of the warehouse for 1 month / Resurrected Bites

Cllr Paul Haslam


Fund the purchase of items for the cost-of-living fund / New Beginnings

Cllr Paul Haslam


Fund the purchase of horticultural materials / Henshaws

Cllr Robert Heseltine


Fund the coaching and training of volunteers for the junior cricket teams / Skipton Cricket Club

Cllr Robert Heseltine


Fund part of the cost of upgrading the disabled toilet facilities / Sandylands Sports Centre

Cllr Robert Heseltine


Fund the hire of Musicians & Soloists of the Brahms Requiem in Skipton and Settle / Langcliffe Singers

Cllr Robert Heseltine


Fund the supply and fitting of kitchen equipment for the new club house / Skipton Community Sports Hub

Cllr Robert Heseltine


Fund the trips and visits to the theatre/cultural for members / Craven Open Door

Cllr Robert Heseltine


Fund the purchase and planting of plants for the 2024 Skipton Town Centre Floral Displays / Skipton in Bloom

Cllr Nathan Hull


Fund the hiring of the live band for the Birstwith Village Party to commemorate the King's Coronation / Birstwith Horticultural Society

Cllr Nathan Hull


Fund the refurbishment of Low Laithe bus shelter seating area in Hartwith cum Winsley Parish / Hartwith cum Winsley Parish Council

Cllr Nathan Hull


Fund the upgrading of the toilet facilities at the village hall / Fewston Parochial Hall

Cllr Nathan Hull


Installation of new defibrillator and cabinet (with electrical connections) in Nesfield Village / Nesfield with Langbar Parish Council (as part of Mid Wharfedale Parish Council)

Cllr Nathan Hull


Provision of specialist matting to increase mobility access to uneven/muddy ground for disabled visitors to the Annual Birstwith Show / Birstwith Horticultural Society

Cllr Nathan Hull


Fund the repairs, upgrades and improvements to the children's playpark / Birstwith Parish Council

Cllr Nathan Hull


Provision and installation of a defibrillator and cabinet for Castley Village / Lower Washburn Parish Council

Cllr Nathan Hull


Provision of a new secure Notice Board for Beckwithshaw Village community / Beckwithshaw Parish Council

Cllr Nathan Hull


Fund the installation of a new/replacement defibrillator / Weeton Parish Council

Cllr Nathan Hull


Purchase various planters for Birstwith Village / Birstwith in Bloom

Cllr David Ireton


Purchase a gazebo for the Austwick Street Market and Cuckoo Festival / Austwick Parish Hall Council

Cllr David Ireton


Fund the artists fee, room hire, refreshments, advertising and printing costs for the Christmas concert / Longstaffe Education Foundation

Cllr David Ireton


Fund the improved crossing facilities on the A65 through Ingleton / NYC - Traffic Engineering

Cllr David Ireton


Fund the proposed 30mph speed limit on the A65 / NYC - Traffic Engineering

Cllr George Jabbour


Fund the materials and labour costs for the new meeting room project / Sproxton Village Hall Trust

Cllr George Jabbour


Fund the materials and labour costs for the new outdoor classroom area / Ryedale School

Cllr George Jabbour


Fund the cost of materials and labour for the repairs / Upper Ryedale Parochial Church Council

Cllr George Jabbour


Fund the posts and markers for the new walking trail / Upper Ryedale Parochial Church Council

Cllr George Jabbour


Purchase of hot water Bottles for our children in care/leavers / NYC - Care Leavers

Cllr George Jabbour


Fund the purchase of a new sign for Helmsley Bridge / NYC - Traffic Engineering

Cllr George Jabbour


Fund the materials and labour for the new fencing on Sinnington Village Green / Sinnington Parish Council

Cllr George Jabbour


Purchase of equipment and professional support for the Dark Skies Programme / Howardian Hills National Landscape

Cllr George Jabbour


Provision of additional Moorsbus Sunday Services / Moorsbus CIC

Cllr George Jabbour


Fund the staff and fuel costs for the Helmsley Hopper bus service / Ryedale Community Transport CIO

Cllr George Jabbour


Traffic Surveys for Oswaldkirk and Hovingham / NYC Highways

Cllr David Jeffels


Purchase and installation of a flagpole and flags / West Ayton Parish Council

Cllr David Jeffels


Purchase a replacement hoover for the library / Derwent Valley Library and Community Hub

Cllr David Jeffels


Purchase a gazebo style tent for use on outdoor projects / 1st Forge Valley Guides/Rangers and Rainbows

Cllr David Jeffels


Purchase 2 x one-man tents for use on Duke of Edinburgh expeditions / Sixth Form College Scarborough

Cllr David Jeffels


Purchase and planting of trees to mark the King's Coronation and the late Queen / Hackness & Harwood Dale Group Parish Council

Cllr David Jeffels


Purchase a new computer for the breakfast and after school facility / East Ayton County Primary School - The Base

Cllr David Jeffels


Fund the purchase of souvenirs and entertainment for the Coronation events / Ayton Jubilee & Coronation Committee

Cllr David Jeffels


Fund the purchase of souvenirs and entertainment for the Coronation events / Hutton Buscel Village Hall Committee

Cllr David Jeffels


Purchase and installation of a flagpole / Hutton Buscel Parish Council

Cllr David Jeffels


Purchase of equipment for the drama and initiative groups / Scarborough YMCA

Cllr David Jeffels


Fund the re-building of the wall following the widening of the access / St Martin's Church Parochial Church Council & Parish Council

Cllr David Jeffels


Provide a contribution to the purchase of a new minibus / Welburn Hall Home School Association

Cllr David Jeffels


Fund the building work and equipment for the new unit / Wykeham C of E School

Cllr David Jeffels


Fund the equipment and venue hire for the Olympic event / Scarborough Disabled Swimming Group

Cllr David Jeffels


Purchase a canopy for the new outdoor teaching area / East Ayton County Primary School

Cllr David Jeffels


Purchase new nursery equipment and security fencing for the nursery school / Snainton C of E School

Cllr David Jeffels


Purchase materials and equipment for the Young Volunteers project / North York Moors National Park Authority

Cllr David Jeffels


Purchase a new mower, wooden edging and soft-landing equipment for the club / Ayton Bowling Club

Cllr David Jeffels


Purchase of paint and new curtains for the refurbishment / Langdale End Village Institute Committee

Cllr David Jeffels


Purchase of a digital projector / Snainton Village Hall Committee

Cllr David Jeffels


Purchase of food for the weekly luncheon club / Snainton Village Hall Committee

Cllr David Jeffels


Fund the building work and white lining machine for the pitches / Ayton Football Club

Cllr David Jeffels


Purchase the food for the winter lunch group / East Ayton Parish Council

Cllr David Jeffels


Provision of food and heating for the Winter Warmth & Meals hub / Ayton Methodist Church, Ayton Scarborough

Cllr David Jeffels


Provision of food and heating for the Winter Warmth & Meals hub / Brompton by Sawdon Village Hall

Cllr Janet Jefferson


Provision of an illuminated Christmas Tree on the front balcony of the West Pier at Scarborough Harbour / Castle Ward Tenants and Residents Association

Cllr Janet Jefferson


Provision of an illuminated Christmas Tree within the Globe Street Garden in Eastborough / Castle Ward Tenants and Residents Association

Cllr Janet Jefferson


Fund the provision of 24 High Viz printed vests with charity logo, 2 large banners and 2 distant signage boards / Fishermen and Firemen's Charity Fund

Cllr Janet Jefferson


Purchase of materials to clean the path and tunnel under the railway line, Whitelaw Walk / Weaponess Valley Community Group

Cllr Janet Jefferson


Purchase of 12 x sets of kayaking equipment for the scout group / 46th Scarborough Westborough Scout Group

Cllr Janet Jefferson


Provide security gating to lane to rear of Church Street and Spreight Lane Steps / Castle Ward Tenants and Residents Association

Cllr Janet Jefferson


Provide the 3-year membership of Scarborough Anti-Theft Group for Friends of West Square Scarborough / Scarborough Anti-Theft Group

Cllr Janet Jefferson


Purchase of plants and trees for the improvements to the garden area in Albemarle Crescent / Castle Ward Tenants and Residents Association

Cllr Janet Jefferson


Fund the prizes for the 'Summer' and 'Winter' competitive Medley Skins and Freestyle Skins competitions / Scarborough Swimming Club

Cllr Janet Jefferson


Grit bins and salt refills for Tollergate Scarborough / NYC Highways

Cllr Janet Jefferson


Provide Seasonal and sustainable planting/shrubs/bulbs to various locations within Castle Division / Castle Ward Tenants and Residents Association

Cllr Tom Jones


Purchase of speed repeater signs / Newton le Willows Parish Council

Cllr Tom Jones


Fund the purchase of food for the older residents' Christmas dinner / Scotton Parish Council

Cllr Tom Jones


Fund the food and decorations for the cultural event on 21st October at Le Cateau Primary School Catterick Garrison / British Gurkhas and Nepalese Community Catterick (BGNC)

Cllr Tom Jones


Fund the purchase of a bench for the recreation field / Hunton in Bloom

Cllr Tom Jones


Fund the fireworks, security, medical cover, insurance and portaloos for the firework display / HQ Catterick Garrison

Cllr Tom Jones


Purchase a bench with wheelchair access and an area of sensory planting / Hunton in Bloom

Cllr Tom Jones


Provide support for the annual Christmas hamper and toy appeal / Colburn Hub and Café CIC

Cllr Tom Jones


Fund the installation of CCTV / Scotton Social Club

Cllr Tom Jones


Fund the purchase of Diperta mitigation equipment / Finghall Action Group

Cllr Tom Jones


Purchase of a new pony designed for heavier riders / Richmond & Catterick Group Riding for Disabled

Cllr Tom Jones


Fund the printing of walking leaflets around the village to Akebar / Finghall History Group

Cllr Tom Jones


Fund the new outdoor classroom for organised activities / e50k

Cllr Mike Jordan


Fund the purchase of new kit for the 13-16 age group and signs for the pitch / Hensall Hawks and Hurricanes Football Club

Cllr Mike Jordan


Fund the removal of the kerb at the entrance to the allotments in Camblesforth / NYC Highways

Cllr Mike Jordan


Fund the purchase of kit for the under 9's football team / Carlton Junior Football Team

Cllr Mike Jordan


Fund the purchase of new tables and chairs for Project Educational Utility / Carlton Playgroup Ltd

Cllr Mike Jordan


Fund the purchase of summer house furniture / SYPCO

Cllr Mike Jordan


Fund the creation of a pathway system, install water and a new entrance for the new allotments / Allotment Working Group Carlton

Cllr Mike Jordan


Purchase and installation of an external notice board / Carlton Village Hall

Cllr Mike Jordan


Purchase a bingo machine and catering trolley / Drax Wednesday Club 

Cllr Mike Jordan


Fund the transport and activities for young carers in Selby / Carers Resource

Cllr Mike Jordan


Purchase of required equipment and safety attire for the litter picking group / Hirst Courtney Parish Council

Cllr Mike Jordan


Fund the purchase of 30 Novello Easy Chorals choir books / Sing2gether

Cllr Mike Jordan


Fund the creation of a pathway and new entrance to the allotments / Carlton Parish Council

Cllr Nigel Knapton


Fund the First Aid, live musicians and entertainment for the Coronation celebrations / Wold Class

Cllr Nigel Knapton


Fund the purchase and installation of two windows and a door / Alne Village Hall

Cllr Nigel Knapton


Fund the weekly exercise classes for people with Parkinson's with a registered physio / Parkinson's Meeting

Cllr Nigel Knapton


Fund the monthly afternoon tea events for the Friendliness Initiative / Easingwold Town Council

Cllr Nigel Knapton


Fund the purchase and installation of an additional pole to facilitate the Vehicle Activated Speed Sign / Easingwold Town Council

Cllr Nigel Knapton


Fund the tree surgeon for the Orchard area improvement works / Alne Parish Leisure Association

Cllr Nigel Knapton


Fund the hedgerow and tree improvements at the playing fields / Crayke Parish Council

Cllr Nigel Knapton


Fund the refurbishment of play equipment in the Memorial Park playground / Easingwold Town Council

Cllr Nigel Knapton


Fund the extending of the Wi-Fi to cover all of the Market Place in Easingwold / Easingwold Town Council

Cllr Nigel Knapton


Fund the quarterly rent for Kurt's Club who meet every Friday in the Galtres Centre / Kurt's Club

Cllr Peter Lacey


Provide a contribution to the school residential trip / Coppice Valley Primary School

Cllr Peter Lacey


Fund the costume hire and refreshments for the 2 productions in October 2023 / Harrogate Dramatic Society

Cllr Peter Lacey


Fund the tree works to improve access to facilities for community groups / St Wilfrid's PCC

Cllr Peter Lacey


Fund the fireproofing of the ground floor of the new centre/ Birk Crag Girl Guiding Centre

Cllr Peter Lacey


Provide a contribution to the launch of the Help out Harrogate project / Harrogate and District Community Action (HADCA)

Cllr Peter Lacey


Provide a contribution to the costs of the community hub / Coppice Valley Primary School

Cllr Peter Lacey


Provide a contribution to the costs of the school trip to Harrogate Theatre / Coppice Valley Primary School

Cllr Peter Lacey


To fund the warehouse rent and purchase of equipment for a new warehouse kitchen / Resurrected Bites

Cllr Peter Lacey


Purchase a garden shed for the Nature School / Coppice Valley Primary School

Cllr Peter Lacey


Fund the two fire doors for the ground floor of the new centre / Birk Crag Girl Guiding Centre

Cllr Peter Lacey


Fund the renewables survey as part of securing an improved heating system / St Wilfrid’s Church and Community Centre

Cllr Andrew Lee


Fund the toilets, insurance, entertainment activities, compostable glasses, live music & First Aid at Appleton Roebuck Scarecrow Weekend & Beer Festival / Appleton Roebuck Community Events Group

Cllr Andrew Lee


Purchase of additional Christmas lights / Church Fenton Parish Council

Cllr Andrew Lee


Purchase of 30 tablet computers for use by the group / Church Fenton Air Cadets

Cllr Andrew Lee


Purchase of cricket equipment for the new season for all members / Church Fenton Cricket Club

Cllr Andrew Lee


Purchase a VAS / Ullerskelf Parish Council

Cllr Andrew Lee


Purchase a Christmas Tree and lights (plus associated costs) / Saxton Parish Council

Cllr Carl Les


Provide a contribution towards the running costs of the group / Richmond & Catterick Group Riding for Disabled

Cllr Carl Les


Purchase of materials, plants and paint for the minor repairs around the village / Scorton Parish Council

Cllr Carl Les


Contribution to the wooden bridge replacement / Scorton Parish Council

Cllr Carl Les


Fund the Architects fees and building regulations for the boiler house improvement works / Booth Memorial Institute (known as Booth Hall)

Cllr Carl Les


Fund the purchase and installation of a new noticeboard / Brough with St Giles Parish Council

Cllr Carl Les


Fund the food and decorations for the cultural event on 21st October at Le Cateau Primary School Catterick Garrison / British Gurkhas and Nepalese Community Catterick (BGNC)

Cllr Carl Les


Fund the restoration of the sports pavilion floor / Catterick Village Sports Association

Cllr Carl Les


Purchase of vouchers and admission tickets for family activities / Home Start Richmondshire

Cllr Carl Les


Purchase new equipment and materials for the Youth Club / Catterick Village Parish Council

Cllr Carl Les


Fund the hire of Booth Hall for the Thursday morning Warm Space / Hello Catterick

Cllr Cliff Lunn


Fund the mobile toilet hire, waste collection, first aid provision and safety barriers for the community Jambledon / Hambleton Parish Council

Cllr Cliff Lunn


Purchase and installation of a new alarm system in the village hall / Thorpe Willoughby Village Hall

Cllr Cliff Lunn


Fund the start-up costs for the school fair on 30th June / Friends of Hambleton School Association

Cllr Cliff Lunn


Fund the payment of two STEM education sessions in Hambleton / Hambleton Parish Council

Cllr Cliff Lunn


Fund the Christmas trip to Derwent Valley railway / Thorpe Willoughby Rainbows

Cllr Cliff Lunn


Purchase a new grass mower for the club and community use / Thorpe Willoughby Cricket Club

Cllr Cliff Lunn


Fund the supply and installation of a dishwasher in the village hall kitchen / Thorpe Willoughby Village Hall

Cllr Cliff Lunn


Fund the construction of soakaways near the village hall / Thorpe Willoughby Village Hall

Cllr Cliff Lunn


Fund the hire and royalties on script for the children's annual production / Willoughby Players

Cllr John Mann


Fund the purchase of a new printer and leaflets and business cards for the furniture scheme / Essential Needs

Cllr John Mann


To refurbish, replace and provide additional lights within the 7 to 8 trees on the green, using tree wrapping lights / Pannal & Burn Bridge Parish Council

Cllr John Mann


Provision and installation of the VAS sign on Hookstone Road, Harrogate near to Oatlands Infants School / NYC Highways

Cllr John Mann


Fund the provision and installation of a VAS to be located at Streetlight 12 on Hookstone Road, Harrogate / NYC Highways

Cllr Pat Marsh


Fund the purchase of football posts, a portaloo, training equipment and a line marker / Harrogate Railway Junior Football Club

Cllr Pat Marsh


Fund the coach hire for the day trips / Harrogate and District Over 50's Forum

Cllr Pat Marsh


Redevelop an area of the school into a new outdoor area for the pupils / St Aidan’s Church of England High School

Cllr Pat Marsh


Purchase a replacement hoist / Henshaws

Cllr Pat Marsh


Fund the redecorating of the ceilings in all the rooms at Harrogate Community House / Harrogate and District Community Action (HADCA)

Cllr Steve Mason


Fund the purchase of new music folders and fleeces for the senior band members / Swinton and District Excelsior Band

Cllr Steve Mason


Fund the running costs of the van for FoodShare / Ryedale Food Aid CIC

Cllr Steve Mason


Fund the purchase of various cricket training equipment, football goals and picnic benches / Slingsby Sports Club

Cllr Steve Mason


Fund the hiring of facilities and purchase materials for the community project / Terrington Parish Council

Cllr Steve Mason


Provide ongoing support for the activities of Project Purple / Project Purple

Cllr Rich Maw


Purchase and installation of a VAS along Valley Road, Scarborough / NYC - Traffic Engineering

Cllr Rich Maw


Purchase a composite picnic bench in Sea View Play Area / NYC - Facilities Management

Cllr Rich Maw


Fund the purchase of a new sound desk for the group / YMCA Scarborough

Cllr Rich Maw


Fund the travel and subsistence for a junior researcher / Scarborough Museums and Galleries

Cllr Rich Maw


To replace the pump for the water fountain in the Prince of Wales Garden / The Friends of South Cliff Gardens

Cllr Rich Maw


Fund the venue, pianist and refreshments for the 12-month dementia friendly film screenings / Stephen Joseph Theatre

Cllr Rich Maw


Fund the purchase of gardening tools and equipment, plants and shrubs for the Community Gardens and Maintenance Project / Weaponness Valley Community Group

Cllr Rich Maw


Fund the venue hire, catering and equipment for the Scarborough Sports Awards / Scarborough Swimming Club

Cllr John McCartney


To provide a path and ramps to create disabled access to the two areas of play equipment in Kellington play area / Kellington Parish Council

Cllr John McCartney


Purchase a new shed / Eggtots

Cllr John McCartney


Purchase a new bingo machine and bingo tickets for the Thursday Bingo Group / Eggborough Village Hall

Cllr John McCartney


Purchase a new oven for the children's baking area / Kirk Smeaton Primary School

Cllr John McCartney


To repair the access to the tower of St Peters Church, Kirk Smeaton to check on the swift nest boxes / St Peters Parochial Parish Council

Cllr John McCartney


Fund the purchase of three friendly parking safety signs / Kirk Smeaton Primary School

Cllr John McCartney


To purchase new tables for St Martins Church, Womersley / St Martins Parochial Parish Council

Cllr John McCartney


Hold Saturday coffee mornings and deliver a monthly "whats going on" to every home in Eggborough in 2024 / Eggborough Village Hall Committee

Cllr John McCartney


To fund the purchase of materials and labour to upgrade the serving counter at Eggborough Village Hall / Eggborough Village Hall Committee

Cllr John McCartney


Purchase of toys and other equipment for the Womersley Parent and Toddler Group / St Martins Parochial Parish Council

Cllr John McCartney


Fund the repairs to the children's slide on Kellington play area / Kellington Parish Council

Cllr Heather Moorhouse


Purchase of ladies & junior cricket equipment and training fees / Great Ayton Cricket Club

Cllr Heather Moorhouse


Fund the purchase of a Hedge Cutter, brush cutter, batteries and personal protection equipment for the club / Great Ayton Lawn Bowls Club

Cllr Heather Moorhouse


Fund the replacement of unbunded oil tank / Ingleby Greenhow Village Hall Committee

Cllr Heather Moorhouse


Fund the procurement and erection of a Parish Notice board / Easby Parish Meeting

Cllr Heather Moorhouse


Fund the new storage facility and a fixed storm seal on the fire doors / Kildale Village Hall

Cllr Andrew Murday


Purchase a defibrillator for the village of Bewerley and surrounding parish / Bewerley Parish Council

Cllr Andrew Murday


Fund the administration of the community transport service / Nidd Plus Community Hub

Cllr Andrew Murday


Fund the Sunday service on bus route 24 between Harrogate and Pateley Bridge / Dales and Bowland Community Interest Company

Cllr Andrew Murday


Fund the groundwork costs of improving the entrance for disabled access and rebuild a wall / Christ Church Community Centre

Cllr Andrew Murday


Fund the end of season cricket pitch preparation / Darley Cricket Club

Cllr Andrew Murday


Fund the leaders in Running Fitness (LiRF) and Coaches in Running Fitness (CiRF) courses / Nidderdale Fell and Trail

Cllr Andrew Murday


Fund the refreshments, gas and electricity for the Cuth Caff community café / Upper Nidderdale Parochial Church Council

Cllr Andrew Murday


Fund the purchase and installation of handrails at Pateley Bridge recreation ground war memorial / Bewerley Parish Council

Cllr Simon Myers


Fund the catering for the Big Lunch and the Big Help Out for the Coronation event / Long Preston Parish Council

Cllr Simon Myers


Fund the Village Hall Music night and Village Picnic for the King's Coronation village celebrations / Kirkby Malham Parish Hall Committee

Cllr Simon Myers


Fund the catering for the community Coronation party / Scothsrop Parish Meeting

Cllr Simon Myers


Purchase a new Coronation Bench to commemorate the Coronation / Hellifield Parish Council

Cllr Simon Myers


Installation of a defibrillator for Winterburn village / Winterburn Defibrillator Group

Cllr Simon Myers


Fund the repairs to the caretaker's cottage roof / Long Preston Village Institute

Cllr Simon Myers


Purchase of mowers and strimmers for maintaining and enhancing public areas of Gargrave including wildlife areas / Gargrave Wildlife Working Group

Cllr Simon Myers


Fund the 40th Anniversary concerts in Skipton and Settle / Langcliffe Singers

Cllr Simon Myers


Fund the purchase of new lights for the Christmas Tree / Gargrave Parish Council

Cllr Simon Myers


Purchase and installation of a VAS for Hellifield on the A65 / Hellifield Parish Council

Cllr Simon Myers


Installation of a VAS sign for Coniston Cold / Coniston Cold Parish Council

Cllr David Noland


Fund the theatre performance at Skipton Library on Sunday 9th July / Skipton Pride Steering Group

Cllr David Noland


Fund part of the cost of upgrading the disabled toilet facilities / Sandylands Sports Centre

Cllr David Noland


Purchase of new seating for the family room / SELFA Skipton

Cllr David Noland


Fund the coaching courses, safeguarding and First Aid courses for the volunteers / Skipton Cricket Club

Cllr David Noland


Fund the two trombonists for the concerts / Langcliffe Singers

Cllr David Noland


Fund the hire of the Town Hall and purchase seeds for children at the annual Environment Day in Skipton / Skipton Rotary

Cllr David Noland


Fund the creation of wellbeing zones within the wooded area of the school grounds / Friends of Water Street Primary School

Cllr David Noland


Fund the continuation of the Cravenlink Sunday Bus Service / Dales and Bowland Community Interest Company

Cllr David Noland


Fund the purchase of material and equipment for the Imaginarium Workshops / Craven Arts House

Cllr David Noland


Fund the insurance for the newly formed social enterprise / Share Skipton

Cllr David Noland


Fund the purchase of a new bow, case and repair to the acoustic Bass / Ermysteds Grammar School

Cllr David Noland


Fund the provision of a 4 Plate Boiling Top for the new kitchen at the Hub / Skipton Community Sports Hub

Cllr David Noland


Provide 1-2-1 sessions and online course to offer support to people dealing with bereavement / Cruse Bereavement Support Craven & District Branch

Cllr Bob Packham


Fund the Prostate cancer screening of 160 local men / Elmet Lions

Cllr Bob Packham


Fund the First Aid at Work courses for the volunteers / Sherburn Visiting Scheme Supporting Seniors CIO

Cllr Bob Packham


Fund the transport and activities for young carers / Carers Resource

Cllr Bob Packham


Fund the purchase of 10 x folding tables for the community centre / Sherburn and Villages Community Trust

Cllr Bob Packham


Fund the stage, security, First Aid, toilets and advertising of the Party in the Park event / Sherburn in Elmet Town Council

Cllr Bob Packham


Purchase a new reindeer, 6 x Santa suits, sound system and insurance / Elmet Lions

Cllr Bob Packham


Fund the insurance for the vehicle used by the Sherburn in Elmet Area Community Minibus Association / Sherburn in Elmet Community Minibus Association

Cllr Andy Paraskos


Purchase refreshments and decorations for the hall and grounds at the Sicklinghall Coronation Big Lunch / Sicklinghall Village Hall Committee

Cllr Andy Paraskos


To purchase and give a Coronation mug to the children of the parish / Spofforth Parish Council

Cllr Andy Paraskos


Purchase a new King's Coronation bench for Bickerton / Bilton and Bickerton Parish Council

Cllr Andy Paraskos


Fund the food for the village over 65's Christmas dinner / Kirby Overblow Parish Council

Cllr Andy Paraskos


Purchase and installation of a VAS / Little Ribston Parish Council

Cllr Andy Paraskos


Fund the planting of an evergreen hedge / Follifoot Village Hall

Cllr Andy Paraskos


Fund the purchase of new sound system equipment / Tockwith Players

Cllr Andy Paraskos


Purchase a follow spotlight for the hall / Spofforth Village Society

Cllr Andy Paraskos


To install an out of hour prescription box / The Leeds Road Practice

Cllr Andy Paraskos


Fund the road markings for the highways improvements in Kirk Deighton / NYC Highways

Cllr Andy Paraskos


Purchase and installation of village gates at the entrance to the village / Tockwith Parish Council

Cllr Andy Paraskos


To purchase and install equipment for a forest school in the grounds of the school / Tockwith Church of England Primary Academy

Cllr Stuart Parsons


Fund the purchase of a slide for Lady Serena Play Park / Richmond Town Council

Cllr Stuart Parsons


Fund the posters and website to eradicate the dumps by Yorkshire Water with Save our Swale / Richmond Town Council

Cllr Stuart Parsons


Fund the start-up costs of the Richmond Community Bike Service / Richmond Community Bike Services CIC

Cllr Stuart Parsons


Fund the purchase of new kits (home and away) for the ladies’ football teams / Richmond Town Football Club

Cllr Stuart Parsons


Fund the road closures for the Remembrance Parade / Richmond Town Council

Cllr Stuart Parsons


Fund the purchase of a speed gun, signs and visibility jackets for the Community Speed Watch scheme / Richmond Town Council

Cllr Stuart Parsons


Fund the purchase of training equipment for the club / Richmond and Dales Swimming Club

Cllr Stuart Parsons


Fund the professional surveyors for the restoration and stabilisation of the tennis courts and surrounding land / Richmond Tennis Club

Cllr Stuart Parsons


Fund the purchase of materials and labour for the Big Green Build / Just the Job

Cllr Yvonne Peacock


Purchase new batteries and pads for the defibrillators / Aysgarth and District Parish Council

Cllr Yvonne Peacock


Fund the food and start-up costs of the weekly community luncheon in Reeth and District / Reeth & District Community Luncheon Club

Cllr Yvonne Peacock


Purchase and installation of a defibrillator in Arkengarthdale / Arkengarthdale Parish Council

Cllr Yvonne Peacock


Purchase catering equipment for concerts / Bluebox Creative and Performing Arts

Cllr Yvonne Peacock


Fund the printing of the Reeth & District Gazette community newsletter, paper and office maintenance / Reeth & District Gazette

Cllr Yvonne Peacock


Installation of soar powered bollard lights at Overton Garth, Reeth / Reeth Parish Council

Cllr Yvonne Peacock


Purchase a storage shed, picnic table, rope and cleaning equipment for the relocating of the quoits pitch / Hawes Quoits Club

Cllr Yvonne Peacock


Fund the training of 20 volunteers in First Aid / Melbecks Civil Emergency Plan Volunteers Group

Cllr Yvonne Peacock


Fund the leaflet printing and marketing for the purchase and managing of the community pub in Muker / Muker Community Benefit Society

Cllr Yvonne Peacock


Purchase and install two defibrillators in the parish of Bainbridge / Bainbridge Parish Council

Cllr Yvonne Peacock


Fund the leaflets and marketing material to retain the pub in Thoralby / Last in Standing

Cllr Yvonne Peacock


Fund the purchase of art in the school library / Hawes Community School

Cllr Yvonne Peacock


Fund the contractor to cut back the trees on the highway / Bainbridge Parish Council

Cllr Clive Pearson


Fund the minibus hire costs / Revival North Yorkshire

Cllr Clive Pearson


Fund the purchase of an artificial Christmas tree with lights for the village green / Goathland Parish Council

Cllr Clive Pearson


Fund the architectural drawing and study for the community and sports improvements / Lealholm Community and Sports Association

Cllr Clive Pearson


Fund the purchase of new battery and pads for the defibrillator / Goathland Parish Council

Cllr Clive Pearson


Fund the purchase of replacement panels on the Goathland Hub's marquee / Goathland Community Hub

Cllr Clive Pearson


Purchase a new printer for printing the village newsletter and all other printing / Staintondale Village Hall

Cllr Clive Pearson


Install a defibrillator in Egton Bridge / Egton Parish Council

Cllr Clive Pearson


Fund the installation of fencing for the War Memorial / Glaisdale Parish Council

Cllr Clive Pearson


Fund the running costs for the rural support services / Revival North Yorkshire CIC

Cllr Heather Phillips


Fund the purchase of outdoor play equipment / Derwent Valley Scout Group

Cllr Heather Phillips


Fund the heating costs and food for the Warm Room / St Martin Church Seamer Parochial Church Council

Cllr Heather Phillips


Fund the refurbishment of the sleeping accommodation at Birch Hall / Scarborough and District Scouts

Cllr Heather Phillips


Purchase and installation of a new seat on Curlew Drive / Seamer and Crossgates Parish Council

Cllr Heather Phillips


Purchase of replacement defibrillator batteries and pads / Seamer Sports Association

Cllr Heather Phillips


Fund the venue hire for the annual Scarborough & District Sports Council Awards Night / Scarborough & District Sports Council

Cllr Heather Phillips


Fund the 6-week cookery course as part of the Victory Programme Scarborough / Salvation Army

Cllr Heather Phillips


Fund the remedial works to the roof of the Seamer & District Youth Centre / Seamer and Crossgates Parish Council

Cllr Heather Phillips


Fund the coach hire and travel to the Jamboree in August 2024 / Derwent Valley Scout Group

Cllr Heather Phillips


Purchase new matting for the cricket nets / Seamer Sports Association

Cllr Heather Phillips


Purchase new fire doors for the scout hut / Derwent Valley Scout Group

Cllr Heather Phillips


Purchase planters, seating, garden equipment, topsoil and bulbs etc for the new garden area for the residents of Bell Close / Ding Dong Bells Community Group

Cllr Kirsty Poskitt


Fund the coach travel for the brownie visit to the space centre in Leicester / Tadcaster 1st Brownies

Cllr Kirsty Poskitt


Purchase of outdoor play equipment for the scout group / Tadcaster Scouts

Cllr Kirsty Poskitt


Financial support with the heating bill / Tadcaster Library

Cllr Kirsty Poskitt


Fund the running costs, food and speaker fees for the social group / Stutton Social Committee

Cllr Kirsty Poskitt


Fund the LED bulbs for the football ground flood lights / Tadcaster Albion Football Club

Cllr Kirsty Poskitt


Fund the viewing area, venue hire and catering at the Remembrance Day Parade / Tadcaster Town Council

Cllr Kirsty Poskitt


Fund the art, drama and music professionals at the October half term holiday / Tadcaster Barn

Cllr Kirsty Poskitt


Fund the catering and entertainment for the Tadcaster Christmas Treat dinner / Tadcaster Christmas Treat Association

Cllr Kirsty Poskitt


Fund the food, venue hire and entertainment for junior cast members of Panto 23 / Tadcaster Theatre Company

Cllr Kirsty Poskitt


Fund the food, heating and venue costs for 3 months / Rosemary House Community Centre

Cllr Kirsty Poskitt


Purchase of a tourism road sign / Tadcaster Tennis Club

Cllr Kirsty Poskitt


Purchase of Neurodiverse kids’ youth club equipment / Connecting Neurodiverse Families

Cllr Jack Proud


Fund the purchase of promotional materials for Selby Fun Day and other events / IDAS

Cllr Jack Proud


Fund the purchase and installation of a VAS for Barlby / Barlby and Osgodby Town Council

Cllr Jack Proud


Fund the creation and installation of the Mining Memorial Wall / Selby Town Council

Cllr Jack Proud


Fund the running costs for the Selby CoderDojo / Selby CoderDojo

Cllr Tony Randerson


Fund the purchase of refreshments and sundries for 1 year for the drop-in clinic / Eastfield Medical Centre

Cllr Tony Randerson


Fund the minibus hire, entrance fees and lunch for the scout’s trip to the National Scouts Car Races at Wombwell Barnsley / Eastfield Explorer Scouts Group

Cllr Tony Randerson


Purchase of equipment for the setting up of a new Football Club in Eastfield / AFC Eastfield

Cllr Tony Randerson


Fund the resurfacing of the drive and parking area / Westway Open Arms

Cllr Tony Randerson


Fund the gym hire for the teams to practice for the World Championships next year / East Coast Tigers Cheerleading Team

Cllr Tony Randerson


Fund the live music, performance and craft to boost the literacy skills of children at the Eastfield Literacy Project / The Nettle and Dock Scarborough Literacy Project

Cllr John Ritchie


Fund the catering and entertainment at the Summer Fair / Gallows Close Centre

Cllr John Ritchie


Fund the catering, entertainment & refreshments for the Christmas Together 2023 event / Barrowcliff Residents Association

Cllr John Ritchie


Part fund the rent of the large marque for the scout camp in November 2023 / Scarborough & District Scout Group

Cllr John Ritchie


Fund the purchase of compost, plants, seeds, timber and water butts for the after-school gardening club / Barrowcliff School

Cllr John Ritchie


Fund the purchase of food, gifts, toiletries etc for the Christmas Appeal / The Rainbow Centre

Cllr John Ritchie


Fund the transport costs to the Christmas service / Springhead Special School

Cllr John Ritchie


Fund the children's residential activity break at the Leeds based Herd Farm Activity Centre / Gallows Close Centre

Cllr John Ritchie


Fund the celebration of Gallows Close Kings Award / Gallows Close Centre

Cllr John Ritchie


Fund the maintenance of two grit bins in Woodlands / NYC Highways

Cllr John Ritchie


Fund the upgrade and expansion of the kitchen facilities / Wreyfield Drive Methodist Church

Cllr Janet Sanderson


Provide refreshments for all the village and children's games at the village hall / Thornton Le Dale Village Hub

Cllr Janet Sanderson


Fund the purchase of refreshments and memorabilia for the Coronation events / Allerston and Wilton Parish Council

Cllr Janet Sanderson


Fund the installation of gates for the Yedingham Village Gateway / Ebberston with Yedingham Parish Council

Cllr Janet Sanderson


Fund the renovation of the bus shelter and notice boards / Ebberston with Yedingham Parish Council

Cllr Janet Sanderson


Fund the purchase of 5 chariot bikes with suitable storage / Thornton Dale C of E Primary School

Cllr Janet Sanderson


Fund the Parish Plan open day and presentation / Lockton Parish Council

Cllr Janet Sanderson


Provide a contribution to the replacement heritage roof / Thornton Le Dale Squash and Racketball Club

Cllr Janet Sanderson


Fund the consultation events and printing of the finished Parish Plan for Thornton le Dale / Thornton le Dale Parish Council

Cllr Janet Sanderson


Fund the food and electricity for the 2023 Christmas Lights event / Thornton le Dale Christmas Lights

Cllr Janet Sanderson


Fund the interior paint work to the kitchen and meeting room / The Hill Institute

Cllr Mike Schofield


Purchase of cricket equipment for the ladies/girls’ cricket teams / Harrogate Cricket Club

Cllr Mike Schofield


Fund the purchase of Phonics Books / Rossett Acre Primary School

Cllr Mike Schofield


Fund the creation of a new website for the club / Harrogate Indoor Bowling Club

Cllr Mike Schofield


Provision of a contribution to the extra-curricular activities and clubs / Harrogate Grammar School

Cllr Mike Schofield


Fund the purchase of new aluminium front doors / Green Hut Community Centre

Cllr Mike Schofield


Fund the purchase of uniforms and safety footwear / Essential Needs

Cllr Mike Schofield


Fund the provision for counselling of young people at Rossett High School / Harrogate Soroptimists

Cllr Karin Sedgwick


Purchase of plants, trees and wildflower seeds to improve Leyburn's green space / Leyburn Town Council

Cllr Karin Sedgwick


Purchase of crayons, colouring books, play parachute, canvas bags activities books for the event / Kings Club

Cllr Karin Sedgwick


Fund the catering for the weekly lunch club at Middleham Key Centre / Middleham and District Lunch Club

Cllr Karin Sedgwick


Fund the magazine subscriptions at Leyburn Library / Leyburn Town Council

Cllr Karin Sedgwick


Fund the purchase of a planter, compost and plants for the village green / Carperby Parish Council

Cllr Karin Sedgwick


Provide a contribution to the purchase of a new minibus / Welburn Hall Home School Association

Cllr Karin Sedgwick


Part fund the purchase and installation of a VAS for Moor Road Leyburn / NYC Traffic Engineering

Cllr Karin Sedgwick


Fund the upkeep and improvement of the Christmas lights in the village / West Witton Parish Council

Cllr Karin Sedgwick


Fund the purchase of brushes, shovels, paint materials and varnish for A Better Leyburn working party / Leyburn Town Council

Cllr Karin Sedgwick


Fund the purchase of plants, bushes, compost and flowerpots for the gardening club / Kirkwood Hall

Cllr Karin Sedgwick


Fund the hire of jetting equipment, minor repairs and white lining of courts / Leyburn Tennis Club

Cllr Karin Sedgwick


Provision of a grit bin / Leyburn Town Council

Cllr Karin Sedgwick


Purchase of waste bin, wildflower seeds, litter picking and gardening equipment for A Better Leyburn / A Better Leyburn c/o Leyburn Town Council

Cllr Subash Sharma


Provide a contribution to the summer programme of events / Newby & Scalby Library & Information Centre

Cllr Subash Sharma


Fund a contribution to the next stage of the building development programme / St Mark’s Church, Newby, Scarborough

Cllr Subash Sharma


Fund the new kitchen equipment and items for the summer events / Gallows Close Centre

Cllr Subash Sharma


Fund the green fees for the Gambart Baines Bowling Competition / Scarborough Bowls Club

Cllr Subash Sharma


Fund the pitch fees for the weekly training sessions / Newby Football Club

Cllr Subash Sharma


Carrying out repairs to a footpath and hedge removal at the junction of Dunwell Avenue & Throxenby Lane / NYC Highways

Cllr Subash Sharma


Fund the purchase of equipment to enhance the outdoor area / Northstead Community Pre-School

Cllr Subash Sharma


Fund the connection of VAS to lampposts / Newby & Scalby Town Council

Cllr Steve Shaw-Wright


Purchase of 6 x starting block wedges for the swimming club / Selby Tiger Sharks

Cllr Steve Shaw-Wright


Fund the room hire, Lego and other materials for the Lego Print Workshops / Art is my Career

Cllr Steve Shaw-Wright


Fund the transportation and other educational related expenses for the curated excursions and activities / Selby Abbey C of E (VC) Primary School

Cllr Monika Slater


Fund the running costs of the New Park Community Grocery / Resurrected Bites

Cllr Monika Slater


Fund the venue hire, staff costs, refreshments and sundries for the youth football sessions in Harrogate / Harrogate Town Community Foundation

Cllr Monika Slater


Fund the purchase and installation of a 2-lane cricket net system / Bilton Cricket Club

Cllr Andy Solloway


Fund the purchase of re-usable flags and banners to promote Pride events / Skipton Pride Steering Group

Cllr Andy Solloway


Fund part of the cost of upgrading the disabled toilet facilities / Sandylands Sports Centre

Cllr Andy Solloway


Purchase new furniture and chairs for the community centre / Broughton Road Community Centre, Skipton

Cllr Andy Solloway


Purchase of training equipment for junior coaching / Skipton Cricket Club Juniors

Cllr Andy Solloway


Purchase of new seating for the family room / SELFA Skipton

Cllr Andy Solloway


Fund the Soprano and Bass Soloists costs for the 40th Anniversary concerts / Langcliffe Singers

Cllr Andy Solloway


Fund the workshop costs including hire of the PA system and materials for the workshop / Skipton Puppet Festival Song Workshop

Cllr Andy Solloway


Fund the purchase of new roll out goals for the junior football teams / Skipton Juniors Football Club

Cllr Andy Solloway


Fund the purchase of new recycled benches for the community garden / Carleton in Bloom

Cllr Andy Solloway


Fund the purchase of pop-up football goals for the club / Skipton Juniors Football Club

Cllr Andy Solloway


Purchase a Thermal Imaging Camera and a large dehumidifier / Share Skipton

Cllr Andy Solloway


Purchase a replacement grit bin and refills / Broughton Road Community Centre

Cllr Andy Solloway


Purchase a dog waste bin for the public footpath on Aire View, Carleton / Carleton Parish Council

Cllr David Staveley


Fund the Soprano and Bass Soloists costs for the 40th Anniversary concerts / Langcliffe Singers

Cllr David Staveley


Fund the refurbishment of the cemetery gates and new sandstone post / Horton-in-Ribblesdale Parish Council

Cllr David Staveley


Fund the purchase of materials for the renovation of the 1905 cricket club pavilion / Settle Cricket Club

Cllr David Staveley


Fund the purchase of dog fouling signs / Settle Beavers Group

Cllr David Staveley


Fund the external lighting for Horton Sports Pavilion / Horton in Ribblesdale Parish Council

Cllr David Staveley


Purchase and installation of new CCTV for the pool / Settle Pool

Cllr David Staveley


Fund the ancillary fit-out items for the accessibility improvements of the Drill Hall / 1st Castleberg’s (Settle) Scout Group

Cllr David Staveley


Fund the accommodation, transport and activities at the event for Settle’s Andy’s Mans Club / The Place in Settle

Cllr David Staveley


Purchase suitable learner music and a couple of student quality cornets for the junior/learner / Giggleswick & Settle Brass Band

Cllr David Staveley


Purchase timing and safety equipment for the annual races / Settle Harriers

Cllr Neil Swannick


Fund the meals and other support in school holidays with Hope Does Holidays / Hope Whitby

Cllr Neil Swannick


Fund the plants and medium for the three-phase planting project - Whitby Haven Project / WHALE (Whitby Area Library Experience)

Cllr Neil Swannick


Provide a contribution to the Whitby Christmas Festival event / Whitby Town Council

Cllr Neil Swannick


Fund the purchase and installation of new streetlighting columns / Airy Hill Primary School

Cllr Neil Swannick


Fund the venue hire and hot drinks for the 'Warm Welcome' project / Green Lane Community Connections, Whitby

Cllr Neil Swannick


Fund the study, stakeholder workshops x 6, refreshments and findings event for the River Esk water quality / North Sea Conservation

Cllr Roberta Swiers


Purchase and installation of a VAS for Cayton / Cayton Parish Council

Cllr Roberta Swiers


Purchase and installation of new fascia signs on the community centre / Osgodby Community Association

Cllr Roberta Swiers


Fund the trip to the pantomime and coach hire for the pupils / Cayton School

Cllr Roberta Swiers


To provide a garden shed for storing equipment and the planting of a permanent Christmas tree / Osgodby Parish Council

Cllr Roberta Swiers


Fund the purchase of items for the Christmas hampers for local residents / Jubilee Hall Management Committee

Cllr Roberta Swiers


Fund the purchase of Christmas trees for both villages / Gristhorpe and Lebberston Parish Council

Cllr Roberta Swiers


To provide hot drinks and lunch for residents in Gristhorpe and Lebberston / Gristhorpe and Lebberston Village Hall Committee

Cllr Roberta Swiers


Fund the purchase and installation of LED lights for the village hall / Cayton Village Hall

Cllr Roberta Swiers


Fund the purchase of items for the Christmas hampers for local residents / Jubilee Hall Management Committee

Cllr Malcolm Taylor


Purchase of seeds and trees for the wildflower woods project / Shipton Parish Council (Shipton Wildflower Woods)

Cllr Malcolm Taylor


Purchase and installation of a defibrillator / Stillington Parish Council

Cllr Malcolm Taylor


Fund the electricity supply and events lighting for the village green / Tollerton Parish Council

Cllr Malcolm Taylor


Fund the purchase of a CCTV system for the community shop / Barkers of Huby Community Shop

Cllr Malcolm Taylor


Fund the replacement flooring and damp proofing / Grey Village Hall Sutton on the Forest

Cllr Malcolm Taylor


Fund the improvements and replacement of play equipment on Newton on Ouse Playing Field / Newton on Ouse Community Association

Cllr Angus Thompson


Fund the purchase and installation of a matrix board for Melsonby / Melsonby Parish Council

Cllr Angus Thompson


Purchase 8 x 'No Littering' signs / NYC Highways

Cllr Angus Thompson


Purchase of 2 x pop-up tents for community events / Moulton Parish Meeting

Cllr Angus Thompson


Provision of 2 litter bins for the bus shelters in Middleton Tyas / NYC - Waste and Street Scene

Cllr Angus Thompson


Fund the purchase and installation of a Millennium Bench and noticeboard / Stanwick St John Parish Council

Cllr Angus Thompson


Purchase a large planter to celebrate the King's Coronation / North Cowton Parish Council

Cllr Angus Thompson


Fund the replacing of the old lighting system with new LED ones / Manfield Village Hall Committee

Cllr Angus Thompson


Fund the purchase and installation of a defibrillator for Caldwell / Caldwell Parish Meeting

Cllr Angus Thompson


Purchase of 6 dog poo bins for Eppleby / Eppleby Parish Council

Cllr Angus Thompson


Purchase 2 dog poo bins for Forcett / Forcett Parish Meeting

Cllr Angus Thompson


Purchase a new litter bin and a new dog poo bin for the village / Middleton Tyas Parish Council

Cllr Angus Thompson


Fund the purchase of materials and labour for the Big Green Build / Just the Job

Cllr Philip Trumper


Fund the purchase of items for the street party celebrations to mark the King's Coronation / Whitby Town Council

Cllr Philip Trumper


Purchase clothing racks for Whitby Wardrobe / Whitby Area Development Trust

Cllr Philip Trumper


Fund the climbing wall for the Whitby Armed Forces Day / Whitby Town Council

Cllr Philip Trumper


Fund the building and public liability insurance for the community facility to open / The Proprietors and Friends of St Ninians

Cllr Philip Trumper


Fund the fireworks display at the Whitby Christmas Festival on 17-19th November 2023 / Whitby Town Council

Cllr Philip Trumper


Fund the venue hire for the festival / Eskdale Festival of the Arts

Cllr Philip Trumper


Fund the play equipment for the Dundas Gardens play area / Flash Company Arts

Cllr Philip Trumper


Purchase of basketball equipment for the club / Whitby Jets Basketball Club

Cllr Matt Walker


Fund the hire cost of a TV screen and refreshments for the King's Coronation Concert event / Knaresborough and District Chamber

Cllr Matt Walker


Fund the restoration and commissioning of window art for the FEVA Trompe Trail / Knaresborough Feva

Cllr Matt Walker


Purchase a chip timing system for the annual bed race / Knaresborough Lions

Cllr Matt Walker


Fund the subsidised entry, prizes and advertising for the event / Claro Orienteering

Cllr Matt Walker


Fund the venue hire, staff and ingredients for the event / Inspire Youth Yorkshire

Cllr Matt Walker


Installation and maintenance of a new kiln / Henshaws

Cllr Matt Walker


Fund the community festival in Knaresborough in April 2024 / Knaresborough Connectors

Cllr Matt Walker


Part-fund the minibus hire to the Pantomime in Richmond / Harrogate District Over 50s Forum

Cllr Matt Walker


Fund the support worker for the LGBTQ+ Youth Group / Inspire Youth Yorkshire

Cllr Matt Walker


Purchase a flag and accessories for the Rainbows / 6th Knaresborough Rainbows

Cllr Matt Walker


Fund the printing and distribution of The Blue Book / The Blue Book

Cllr Matt Walker


Fund the repair, maintenance and replacing of Santa's Sleigh / Knaresborough Lions

Cllr Arnold Warneken


Fund the purchase and installation of 2 VAS signs / Long Marston Parish Council

Cllr Arnold Warneken


Provide a contribution to the purchase of a new minibus / Welburn Hall Home School Association

Cllr Arnold Warneken


Fund the Pantomime tickets for the elderly members of the Community Hub / Tockwith Community Hub

Cllr Arnold Warneken


Fund the building of extra classrooms and changing facilities / Great Ouseburn Primary School

Cllr Arnold Warneken


Fund the supply and installation of a VAS / Little Ouseburn Parish Council

Cllr Arnold Warneken


Fund the purchase of kitchen equipment for the café / Ripon Community Link

Cllr Arnold Warneken


Fund the purchase of new sound system equipment / Tockwith Players

Cllr Arnold Warneken


Fund the purchase and installation of a compost toilet for Goosemoor Reserve / Cowthorpe Community Forum

Cllr Arnold Warneken


Purchase of materials to carry out improvements to the track / Marton cum Grafton Parish Council

Cllr Steve Watson


Fund the development of the programme for the children's activities at the food festival / Homegrown Food Group

Cllr Steve Watson


Fund the hire cost for inflatable entertainment, TENS licence and awards for the football tournaments at the family fun day / Brompton Junior Football Club

Cllr Steve Watson


Fund the purchase of a new Starting Block and Racing Lanes for the club / Northallerton Amateur Swimming Club

Cllr Steve Watson


Purchase of games and equipment for Northallerton Youth Space / North Yorkshire Youth

Cllr Steve Watson


Purchase a CCTV camera for the sports village / NYC – Safer Community

Cllr Steve Watson


Fund the renovation works to the portable lighting unit - 4 x replacement LED lamp units / Northallerton Rugby Club

Cllr Steve Watson


To assist with the advertisement of the new public toilets in Northallerton / Northallerton Town Council

Cllr Steve Watson


Purchase a pair of new goalposts for Brompton Recreation Group / Brompton Town Council

Cllr Steve Watson


Fund the creation of storage & refurbish the toilet facilities at Church House / CRUTCH

Cllr David Webster


Fund the purchase of new Water Polo caps for the club / Northallerton Amateur Swimming Club

Cllr David Webster


Fund the purchase of coaches clothing and equipment and footballs / Bedale Junior Football Club

Cllr David Webster


Purchase of 2 x defibrillators for 2 villages in the parish / Thornton Watlass, Burrill with Cowling, Thirn, Clifton on Yore and Rookwith Parish Council

Cllr David Webster


Fund the surveys and purchase of a Vehicle Activated Speed Camera / Tanfield Parish Council

Cllr David Webster


Fund the repairs and improvements to existing village playground area and equipment / Thornton Watlass, Burrill with Cowling, Thirn, Clifton on Yore and Rookwith Parish Council

Cllr David Webster


Fund the repair/maintenance of Pickhill children’s’ playground equipment / Pickhill & Sinderby Parish Council

Cllr David Webster


Purchase a solar panel system and new windows as part of the energy saving project / Snape Institute

Cllr David Webster


Fund the cost of energy and food for the warm hub / Snape Institute

Cllr David Webster


Fund the renovating of the historic Wycar pump house / Bedale Town Council

Cllr David Webster


Fund the electrical work, lighting design and installation for the deer sculpture and roundabout / Bedale Town Council

Cllr John Weighell


Fund the purchase and erection of a notice board / Exelby, Leeming & Londonderry Parish Council

Cllr John Weighell


Renew and replace play equipment at Village Hall at Crakehall / Crakehall with Langthorne Parish Council

Cllr John Weighell


Carry out repairs to the stone bridge at Bowbridge Lane Hackforth Bedale / NYC Highways

Cllr Dave Whitfield


Provide a contribution to the purchase of a new minibus / Welburn Hall Home School Association

Cllr Dave Whitfield


Fund the purchase of new dementia friendly curtains for the village hall renovation / Sessay Village Hall

Cllr Dan Sladden


Provision of a weatherproof covering for attending outdoor community events / Thirsk Yarnbombers

Cllr Dan Sladden


Purchase Open Water training and safety equipment / Thirsk White Horse Swim Team

Cllr Dan Sladden


Purchase a cassette to fit to existing mowers to allow improved green maintenance / Sowerby Flatts Bowls Club

Cllr Dan Sladden


Purchase a new battery and pads for the defibrillators / Thirsk Community First Responders

Cllr Dan Sladden


Fund the training of five young leaders to become coaches via British Gymnastics / Richmondshire Gymnastics Club

Cllr Dan Sladden


Purchase of new equipment and umpire training for the netball team / Thirsk Ladies Netball Club

Cllr Dan Sladden


Refurbishment of grass cutting equipment for the course/ Thistle Hill Golf Club

Cllr Dan Sladden


Fund the bouncy castle hire / Thirsk & Sowerby Flatts Festival

Cllr Dan Sladden


Purchase books and furnishings for the school library / Keeble Gateway Academy

Cllr Greg White


Purchase and conversion of 2 x Mountain Rescue Ambulances / Scarborough & Ryedale Mountain Rescue Team

Cllr Greg White


Fund the creation of a new full size 11v11 3G football pitch at Ryedale School / Ryedale Learning Trust

Cllr Annabel Wilkinson


Fund the purchase and relocation of Deighton village notice board / Deighton Village Social Group

Cllr Annabel Wilkinson


Fund the extension to the current village hall to house a History Room / Kirkby Fleetham and Fencotes History Group

Cllr Annabel Wilkinson


Purchase and installation of a vehicle activated sign for Picton / Picton Parish Meeting

Cllr Annabel Wilkinson


Fund the repair and replacement of village play equipment / East Cowton Parish Council

Cllr Annabel Wilkinson


Fund the purchase of water butts and waterproofs for the school allotment / Friends of Ainderby Steeple School

Cllr Annabel Wilkinson


Fund the refreshments at the Community Fireworks and Bonfire event / Appleton Wiske Pre-School

Cllr Annabel Wilkinson


Fund the purchase of a replacement notice board for Great Langton / Great Langton Village Group

Cllr Annabel Wilkinson


Fund the purchase of a new notice Board for Appleton Wiske / Appleton Wiske Parish Council

Cllr Annabel Wilkinson


Fund the restoration of Newby Wiske's Grade II Listed Water Pump / Maunby, South Otterington and Newby Wiske Parish Council

Cllr Peter Wilkinson


Fund the development of the programme for the children's activities at the food festival / Homegrown Food Group

Cllr Peter Wilkinson


Fund the purchase of a new Starting Block and Racing Lanes for the club / Northallerton Amateur Swimming Club

Cllr Peter Wilkinson


Purchase a CCTV camera for the sports village / NYC – Safer Community

Cllr Andrew Williams


Fund the purchase and installation of new Ripon boundary signs / Ripon Bid

Cllr Andrew Williams


Production of an historic Atlas of the City of Ripon / Ripon Together

Cllr Andrew Williams


Fund the free community activities at the festival in June 2023 / Ripon Theatre Festival

Cllr Andrew Williams


Purchase of materials and equipment for the children's summer activities events / Ripon Together

Cllr Andrew Williams


Fund the purchase of replacement tents for the groups' camping trips / 6th Ripon Scout Group

Cllr Andrew Williams


Fund the fireworks at the New Year's Eve celebration event / Ripon City Council

Cllr Andrew Williams


Provide free activities for local children during the summer school holidays / Ripon Together

Cllr Andrew Williams


Provision of an outreach youth worker / Inspire Youth Yorkshire

Cllr Andrew Williams


Fund the flooring and other furnishings for the ground floor of Birk Crag / Girlguiding North Yorkshire West

Cllr Andrew Williams


Fund the free community activities at the festival in summer 2024 / Ripon Theatre Festival

Cllr Robert Windass


Provide and install a dust extractor extension and soundproofing for the wood working sander / Claro Enterprises

Cllr Robert Windass


Fund the cultural activities such as Poetry Readings, Skills Presentations, Health and Wellbeing talks etc during winter evenings / Boroughbridge Library & Resource Centre

Cllr Robert Windass


Provide a contribution to the purchase of a new minibus / Welburn Hall Home School Association

Cllr Robert Windass


Provide and fill a salt/grit bin / St James Church Council

Cllr Robert Windass


Provide funding for entry and travel to competitions and trade fairs under the Young Enterprise Programme / Boroughbridge High School

Cllr Robert Windass


Fund the supply and erection of a Heritage Board within Goldsborough village / Goldsborough & Flaxby Parish Council

Cllr Robert Windass


Supply and install VAS signs for Roecliffe Lane between the A168 and The Horsefair into the Town Centre / Boroughbridge Town Council




Appendix 3 – Committed funding by County Councillor in 2023/24


All amounts are rounded to the nearest £.


County Councillor

Committed funding (£)

County Councillor

Committed funding (£)

Cllr Chris Aldred


Cllr Kevin Foster


Cllr Joy Andrews


Cllr Richard Foster


Cllr Karl Arthur


Cllr Sam Gibbs


Cllr Alyson Baker


Cllr Caroline Goodrick


Cllr Philip Barrett


Cllr Hannah Gostlow


Cllr Derek Bastiman


Cllr Bryn Griffiths


Cllr Philip Broadbank


Cllr Tim Grogan


Cllr Eric Broadbent


Cllr Michael Harrison


Cllr Barbara Brodigan


Cllr Paul Haslam


Cllr Andrew Brown


Cllr Robert Heseltine


Cllr Nick Brown


Cllr Nathan Hull


Cllr Lindsay Burr


Cllr David Ireton


Cllr John Cattanach


Cllr George Jabbour


Cllr David Chance


Cllr David Jeffels


Cllr Liz Colling


Cllr Janet Jefferson


Cllr Mark Crane


Cllr Tom Jones


Cllr Sam Cross


Cllr Mike Jordan


Cllr Felicity Cunliffe-Lister


Cllr Nigel Knapton


Cllr Gareth Dadd


Cllr Peter Lacey


Cllr Melanie Davis


Cllr Andrew Lee


Cllr Caroline Dickinson


Cllr Carl Les


Cllr Michelle Donohue-Moncrieff


Cllr Cliff Lunn


Cllr Steph Duckett


Cllr John Mann


Cllr Keane Duncan


Cllr Pat Marsh


Cllr Bridget Fortune / Cllr David Hugill


Cllr Steven Mason


County Councillor

Committed funding (£)

County Councillor

Committed funding (£)

Cllr Rich Maw


Cllr Arnold Warneken


Cllr John McCartney


Cllr Steve Watson


Cllr Heather Moorhouse


Cllr David Webster


Cllr Andrew Murday


Cllr John Weighell


Cllr Simon Myers


Cllr Greg White


Cllr David Noland


Cllr Dave Whitfield / Cllr Dan Sladden


Cllr Bob Packham


Cllr Annabel Wilkinson


Cllr Andy Paraskos


Cllr Peter Wilkinson


Cllr Stuart Parsons


Cllr Andrew Williams


Cllr Yvonne Peacock


Cllr Robert Windass


Cllr Clive Pearson




Cllr Heather Phillips




Cllr Kirsty Poskitt




Cllr Jack Proud




Cllr Tony Randerson




Cllr John Ritchie




Cllr Janet Sanderson




Cllr Mike Schofield




Cllr Karin Sedgwick




Cllr Subash Sharma




Cllr Steve Shaw-Wright




Cllr Monika Slater




Cllr Andy Solloway




Cllr David Staveley




Cllr Neil Swannick




Cllr Roberta Swiers




Cllr Malcolm Taylor




Cllr Angus Thompson




Cllr Philip Trumper




Cllr Matt Walker






Appendix 4 – Committed funding by type of organisation in 2023/24


All amounts are rounded to the nearest £. 


Type of organisation

£ allocated


% of total £ allocated



Number of approved recommendations

% of approved recommendations

£ average funding per recommendation


Not for profit organisations (including charities and voluntary organisations)






Parish and town councils and parish meetings















NYC services for additional services over and above mainstream budgets
















Appendix 5 – Committed funding by type of project or activity in 2023/24


All amounts are rounded to the nearest £. 


Type of organisation

£ allocated


% of total £ allocated


Number of approved recommendations

% of approved recommendations

£ average funding per recommendation

Children / young people activities (non-school)






Events – including Festivals







Community safety







Support for vulnerable adults







Environmental improvements including In Bloom projects






Village / community hall improvements






Sporting activities for adults







Public facilities (notice boards, toilets, shelters, lighting etc.)






Non-sporting activities for adults







Schools – playgrounds, gardens etc.






Public playgrounds for children and young people













Community transport







Voluntary organisations (consultancy, websites, etc.)






Schools – equipment / ICT







Seasonal (Christmas lights, bonfires, etc.)






Historic monuments / museums / local history






Highway improvements







Schools – events and other activities






Footpath improvements







Community libraries







Schools – subsidy to school trips







Economic development







Flood defences







Covid-19 Projects







Appendix 6 – North Yorkshire Council Locality Budgets Scheme 2024/25


1.            Each Councillor can recommend the allocation of funding to support specific projects or activities that directly promote the social, economic or environmental wellbeing of the communities within their Division. Projects and activities must be lawful and not undermine the Council’s or a partner’s priorities or service delivery.


2.            Councillors are encouraged to consider how their recommendations can best be used to lever in additional funding, volunteers and community engagement - multiplying the overall impact.


3.            Funding will not be awarded for 100% of the cost of a project or activity undertaken or managed by an external organisation. All allocations will be rounded down to the nearest £10.


4.            Projects and activities can include services provided by North Yorkshire Council provided that these are additional to normal service levels and do not create an ongoing expenditure commitment for the Council.  Councillors must discuss and agree these with the relevant service manager before submitting a recommendation form.


5.            Funding cannot be awarded in respect of:

·      projects or activities that will only benefit an individual or an individual family or a private business;

·      political parties or trade unions or employers’ associations or groups affiliated with any of these;

·      lobbying or lobbying organisations;

·      projects or activities that seek to promote a faith or belief as their main purpose;

·      projects or activities that are contrary to the Council’s equality, diversity and inclusion policy; or

·      organisations which actively or vocally oppose fundamental British values.


6.            Each Councillor has a budget allocation of £10,000 per financial year.  Budget allocations cannot be moved between financial years. The minimum funding which can be recommended for a project or activity is £300 and the maximum is £5,000. Two or more Councillors can recommend funding for a single project or activity, but the maximum total funding from the overall Locality Budget scheme for any project or activity in a financial year is £5,000. 


7.            Recommendations must be made by Councillors using the Flexi-Grant online form. 


8.            Councillors must declare on the recommendation form all relevant pecuniary and personal interests including membership or other connections with the organisations that will benefit from or manage the funding.


9.            If the Monitoring Officer has concerns about any recommendation, this will be raised with the relevant Councillor.


10.         All recommendations will be considered by the Executive Member for Corporate Services (or in their temporary absence, the Leader), who will make a decision taking into account the information received and the recommendation of the relevant Councillor.


11.         If the Executive Member for Corporate Services has made a recommendation or has a relevant pecuniary or personal interest in a recommendation, they will not make a decision, but will refer the matter for determination by the Leader.


12.         The Locality Budgets business support officer will notify the Councillor of the decision taken by the Executive Member. 


13.         Information about the scheme and all awards will be published on the Council’s website. Documents associated with the scheme (eg recommendations and monitoring forms) are not exempt from disclosure under FOI legislation.


14.         All recommendations made by a Councillor and all decisions by the Executive Member will be made in accordance with the principles of decision making set out in the Council’s Constitution.


15.         Councillors can make recommendations from Monday 13 May 2024. No recommendations from Councillors will be accepted after midnight Friday 31 January 2025. No recommendations or decisions will be made if any part of the relevant Division is covered by a pre-election period linked to elections or by-elections to the Council, parish or town council or parliament (ie the period between the day the notice of election is published and the final election results; normally six weeks).


16.         Funding will not be awarded for projects or activities that have already been completed or for expenditure that has already been incurred.


17.         If funding is awarded for a project or activity to be undertaken or managed by an external organisation, the funding must be managed by a parish council or a voluntary or community organisation. The Council will only offer a grant to the external organisation if it has an organisational bank account and agrees to:

·      provide the Council with a statement of how the funding has been spent and how it has benefited the local community;

·      allow the Council reasonable access to all records relating to the funding for at least four years after the funding has been awarded;

·      meet all relevant legislative requirements;

·      spend the funding within 12 months of it having been awarded;

·      repay to the Council all unspent funding within 13 months of it being awarded; and

·      acknowledge receipt of a grant from the Council in all publicity relating to the project or activity and in their annual accounts and report.


18.         If an external organisation does not accept the offer of a grant within three calendar months of the offer being made, the offer will lapse and cannot be renewed without a new recommendation being made by a Councillor.


19.         All projects and activities awarded funding will be sent a monitoring form which must be completed and returned with appropriate supporting evidence (eg copies of quotes and receipts for expenditure, photographs and project reports) to the Locality Budgets business support officer at County Hall within twelve months of the funding being awarded. A copy of completed monitoring forms will be provided to the relevant Councillor by the Locality Budgets business support officer.


20.         If a satisfactorily completed monitoring form and appropriate supporting evidence are not submitted within 12 months of the funding being issued, a request will be made for all the funding to be repaid within one month.


21.         Organisations that have not returned satisfactorily completed monitoring forms and appropriate supporting evidence will not be eligible for future funding.


22.         All concerns will be dealt with in accordance with standard Council procedures relating to suspected fraud or financial irregularity.